[drn-discuss] UKPO consultations

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Sep 30 09:52:07 CDT 2005

Gavin Hill wrote:
> As this seems to be a good place to flag up issues of
> mutual concern I wanted to highlight some of the UKPOs
> upcoming 'consultations'. 


> Copyright Term 
> http://www.patent.gov.uk/about/ippd/issues/copyrightterm.htm
> Contact for further information

I find it interesting that the relevant page on the UKPO states:

"We are currently commissioning research into this area to determine the 
optimal term of protection for these works before recommending any 
changes are made."

One wonders who exactly is being commissioned particularly as I have yet 
to meet an economist who thinks retrospective extensions have any 
justification at all.



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