[ECODP-dev] web publishers interface

Darwin Peltan darwin.peltan at okfn.org
Wed Aug 28 13:34:30 UTC 2013

Hi Bert,

Thanks for your email. I agree that there are improvements which could be
made to the publisher interface in CKAN 1.8 - This is one of the main
drivers behind all the work we've done on CKAN 2.0

However it's not really feasible or advisable to start making adhoc changes
to core parts of CKAN in this release, especially this close to the
deadline. Therefore I'm afraid some of the items below are out of scope for
this release.

Please see comments in line below

On 27 August 2013 11:45, Bert Van Nuffelen
<bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>wrote:

> Hi John and Darwin,
> while testing the RDF I want you to point out some of the "issues" I
> encounter during the usage of the web interface:
> * On login I am transferred to a page with no data only "actions"
>    The section "public activity" seems very weird here.
>    Also all actions are covered in the top bar. So this page seems to be a
> bit obsolete.

The links in the top navigation are a recent addition so before this page
was useful. We will see if it's possible to redirect the user straight to
the my profile page.

> * On the resource editing page:
>    The delete button is the first button you encounter. I clicked twice on
> delete because I expected it to be the save button.

Not possible to modify this page as part of this release

> * selecting an other resource to edit is bound to the title of the
> resource not to the button.
>   With short titles one might select the wrong one, or one might think the
> functionality is broken.

Not possible to modify this page as part of this release

> * The default resource type is set to documentation. Whereas the examples
> in the resource page to start from is a "csv" which is more an upload
> distribution. I think that that one is a better default.

Not possible to modify this page as part of this release

> * Bug / unclear functionality: adding a resource.
>   on entering a web service and leaving the all the fields empty, CKAN
> enters a lot of "default" values. It is unclear if this is valid /
> desireable..
>   E.g. I added for example the url
>   and the system adds default values like format rdf, and a description.

I can't recreate this - Please can you give a bit more detail on the steps
to recreate?

> * Bug: resources:
>   not all resources are shown in the list:
>    has many more resources, but some share the same url.

I can't see that link as it's an internal URL ;-)
Assuming the link below is to the same dataset on the test server, that
datset has the same number of resources as are shown on the dataset page.
Do you have an example of a dataset where there are resources missing which
you can point me to on the test server?



> best,
> Bert
> --
> Bert Van Nuffelen
> Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce
> www.tenforce.be
> Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
> Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
> Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
> skype: bert.van.nuffelen
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