[ECODP-dev] URL duplication

Dimitrios Mexis dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com
Mon Jan 14 10:05:52 UTC 2013

Hi all,
I copied the exact content of the ticket we have from Publication Office:
"The application has to be compliant with the 
url:http://open-data.europa.eu <http://open-data.europa.eu/>. At the 
moment there is a redundancy due to the fact that "/open-data" appears 
also after the slash. It looks awkward and should be removed if it's 
hardcoded so that there wouldn't be the repetition which looks 

I want to ask you what do you consider as best way in order to make this.

Just as remind, we have CKAN application, Cubeviz/Semmap and Drupal.

What do we need to change in our configuration? Can we make it more 
dynamic ?

Best regards,
Dimitrios Mexis
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