[ECODP-dev] creating users using upper caseing

Bert Van Nuffelen bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com
Fri Oct 11 11:19:06 UTC 2013

Hi John,

PO reports the following issue. They create users like "PUBLuser01" and
since release 00.09.0x these users are on creation lowercased. See the call
of the script and the answer printed by the paster command.

It seems there is a lowercasing now happening.

Can you have a look?

kind regards,


bash-4.1$ ./ckan_create_publ_user.sh PUBLuser01 cnect
03b4385b-2cee-443a-b38a-fdeb58cb1149 http://localhost
Confirm password:
Creating user: 'publuser01'
{'about': None,
 'apikey': u'70d76195-adb0-4b9d-bd12-e20bf8996697',
 'created': '2013-10-11T13:12:19.582082',
 'display_name': u'publuser01',
 'email': u'',
 'email_hash': 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',
 'fullname': None,
 'id': u'58462f9c-865f-4f23-abb1-275b37f8a86b',
 'name': u'publuser01',
 'number_administered_packages': 0L,
 'number_of_edits': 0L,
 'openid': None,
 'reset_key': None}
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Bert Van Nuffelen

Semantic Technologies Software Architect at TenForce

Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com
Office: +32 (0)16 31 48 60
Mobile:+32 479 06 24 26
skype: bert.van.nuffelen
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