[ECODP-dev] Reporting new issues in release 01.00

Darwin Peltan darwin.peltan at okfn.org
Mon Oct 14 11:12:37 UTC 2013


There have been a couple of new issues reported recently. Please can you
ensure that for any issue reported we have the basic details we need to
investigate. (I.e. Steps to recreate, which release the issue exists within

As the new contractor will need a record of any recent issues I would also
suggest that these issues shouldn't simply be reported by email. Therefore
please can you either add them to Jira or the issues list on the EC ODP
extension? That way there will be a record of current state for the new

With regards to these small issues

- Legal notice link - I've created an issue for this
- Search redirects to English - Couldn't recreate - Please create a ticket
with steps to recreate

Clearly it doesn't make sense to create a new release each time minor
issues are reported and it's much more efficient for us to work through a
batch of issues. Are you planning to collate all the feedback to create a
maintenance release once the PO has finished all their testing? If so what
is the timescale on this?



*Darwin Peltan*

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