[ECODP-dev] ODP - Review of website by DGT - release 1.00 on test website
Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu
Mon Sep 9 15:42:59 UTC 2013
Thanks for raising this concern.
Indeed there has been a bit of a mix, and I am not sure how that happened, apart from the fact that I may never have asked for translations of 'Open Data Portal', but then the phrase exists in so many languages. I am checking our translation requests, but all I can find is the full name or the shorter name 'EU Open Data Portal' .
Do we want 'Open Data Portal' or 'EU Open Data Portal' as the breadcrumb? I think the latter is more accurate as the name, but as this is only a breadcrumb … For the latter I have translations easy at hand. If I can't find 'Open Data Portal', I would have to make an urgent request.
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
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From: ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP)
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 5:08 PM
To: 'Dimitrios Mexis'
Cc: 'Darwin Peltan'; Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; Bert Van Nuffelen; HOHN Norbert (OP); ISOARD Olivier (OP); CAMPBELL Glen (OP); SABETE Vafa (OP)
Subject: RE: [ECODP-dev] ODP - Review of website by DGT - release 1.00 on test website
Hi Dimitrios,
Indeed the breadcrumb is different. We are still copying the corrections from word file to Excel but in the meantime you can have a look at the Word document in Greek.
From: Dimitrios Mexis [mailto:dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com]
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 2:52 PM
To: ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP)
Cc: 'Darwin Peltan'; Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; Bert Van Nuffelen; HOHN Norbert (OP); ISOARD Olivier (OP); CAMPBELL Glen (OP); SABETE Vafa (OP)
Subject: Re: [ECODP-dev] ODP - Review of website by DGT - release 1.00 on test website
Hello Agnieszka,
with regard to the Drupal changes, can you check once more of the points that you mentioned ?
I have also a note to make for my language, Greek, on Data I read : "Πύλη Δημόσιων Δεδομένων<>" and on Drupal I have "Το Κέντρο Δημόσιων Δεδομένων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης<>"
What is to stay ?
On 9/09/2013 14:22, ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP) wrote:
Hello Darwin,
Thank you for introducing the revision work so fast and making it available for testing.
Glen is working on summary of "problematic" strings. We intend to come back to you on this issue still today.
After quick review of the implementation of the revision work for 1.00 please find below my initial remarks. Some of them are related to Drupal but I didn't want to separate them in order to avoid confusion with too many e-mails.
Best regards,
1. Drop down menu with languages in the Drupal part displays only 2 lv
[cid:image001.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
2. In Polish, in the most viewed datasets the figure should be placed after colon.
[cid:image002.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
3. Information about dataset.
I don't know that what extent it's possible to implement given different lv of the icons but it would look nicer if the length of the boxes be equal.
[cid:image003.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
4. Search cloud
Please put the link to the corrected version attached
5. Box: search within Data provider
a/ the space is missing between string: "search witin" and name of data provider coming from NAL
b/ long name of data provider is hidden (maybe the box could adapt dynamically by providing second line for the whole name to be displayed)
[cid:image004.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
c/ in Polish the string "Szukaj zbiorów danych" should be completed with "Szukaj zbiorów danych pochodzących z"
[cid:image005.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
6. Could you apply the most recent NAL? We will try to import to 00.09 when it's installed, too.
A new Metadata Registry NAL publication is available: 20130902-0 (release date: 02/09/2013). The latest version of the NALs (Common Authority Tables (CATs) and ATTO tables) can be consulted on the public MDR website (http://publications.europa.eu/mdr)
7. The translation of the sentence for acceptance of privacy notice is missing (we are checking if this has been provided), the link to privacy notice is missing (pending on our side).
[cid:image006.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
8. In Polish, About tab. Two question marks are missing.
[cid:image007.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
9. The format that I marked below seems strange. Does it really exist on the format list?
[cid:image008.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
[cid:image009.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
10. Is RSS supposed to work at this stage? It doesn't.
11. In PL for example (the other lv to be checked) translators decapitalized the title of the portal so now we have inconherency with the title (image) and the rest of the content.
[cid:image010.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
12. While being on (data provider's area) and clicking on "Contact" in the header the result is the following
[cid:image011.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org]
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2013 12:38 PM
To: Project list for EC ODP CKAN project
Cc: ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Bert Van Nuffelen; HOHN Norbert (OP); ISOARD Olivier (OP); CAMPBELL Glen (OP)
Subject: Re: [ECODP-dev] ODP - Review of website by DGT - delay in introduction of terms in Transifex
Hi Jurgen and Agnieszka,
Thanks for your email. The timeline we had been working to as discussed with 10F was that we would complete the development of release 01.00 (including importing translations) by the end of last week. This was to allow the PO and the translators to spend this week testing the new functionality together with the latest translations. This would then give us time to make bug fixes and import any final translation amends next week in time for 10F to package up and create the release by 25 September.
The site is ready for functional testing now (see my email from last Wednesday) and we are importing the translations from Transifex this morning. We will let you know when this is done. Hopefully this will mean that the PO and the translators can still test the site and translations by the end of this week at the latest, which will mean there shouldn't be any impact on the timeline.
If however the review can't be completed this week this will obviously impact the timeline as we'll need enough time from receiving your feedback to complete the amends.
Related to this Glen mentioned that there were some terms which were problematic due to the structure of plurals in certain languages. We can definitely look at this this week and see if there's anything we can do if you can send us a list of examples as a spreadsheet please.
Also if you have any initial issues from testing before Friday then please do send them as batch so we can start looking at them.
Darwin Peltan
Project Manager | skype: darwinp | twitter: @darwin<http://twitter.com/darwin>
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On 6 September 2013 08:58, Jurgen Vannerom <jurgen.vannerom at tenforce.com<mailto:jurgen.vannerom at tenforce.com>> wrote:
Can you please assess and prepare impact analysis ?
Would appreciate if you could share this ahead of the OKF-TF regular scheduled synchronization call of Tue 10 Sept.
Thanks in advance&
Best Regards,
Jurgen Vannerom
Project Manager
E-mail: jurgen.vannerom at tenforce.com<mailto:jurgen.vannerom at tenforce.com>
Mobile: +32 497591362<tel:%2B32%20497591362>
Skype: Belgium2003
[cid:image012.png at 01CEAD81.6E4F4BC0]
From: ecodp-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org<mailto:ecodp-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org> [mailto:ecodp-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org<mailto:ecodp-dev-bounces at lists.okfn.org>] On Behalf Of John Glover
Sent: donderdag 5 september 2013 13:01
To: ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP)
Cc: HOHN Norbert (OP); CAMPBELL Glen (OP); Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:Bert.Van.Nuffelen at tenforce.com>; Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ISOARD Olivier (OP)
Subject: Re: [ECODP-dev] ODP - Review of website by DGT - delay in introduction of terms in Transifex
Hi Agnieszka,
Thanks for the update, I will hold off on updating the translations for now then. Darwin will be available next week to discuss the impact on the release schedule and how we should proceed.
On 5 September 2013 12:48, ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP) <Agnieszka.ZAJAC at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Agnieszka.ZAJAC at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
Dear John,
The amount of corrections to be introduced in Transifex largely exceeded our expectations. We will mobilize all available resources to help Glen with it but it would be optimistic to say it can be finished even by tomorrow afternoon (:
We will keep you updated on the progress.
Best regards,
Agnieszka Zając
Open Data Portal Section
Tel: +352 2929.42834<tel:%2B352%202929.42834>
From: CAMPBELL Glen (OP)
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 12:21 PM
To: 'John Glover'
Cc: Darwin Peltan; ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; HOHN Norbert (OP)
Subject: RE: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
I am sorry to mess you around, but after discussion with Norbert and Agnieszka, we cannot deliver by 2pm.
Norbert or Agnieszka will get in contact with you asap.
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
glen.campbell at publications.europa.eu<mailto:glen.campbell at publications.europa.eu>
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From: John Glover [mailto:john.glover at okfn.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 11:43 AM
Cc: Darwin Peltan; ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project
Subject: Re: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Hi Glen,
Ok, I could push back until 2pm CET.
On 5 September 2013 11:30, CAMPBELL Glen (OP) <Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
Hi John,
Thanks for your readiness. What is the latest time possible today?
While I have imported new translations, I'm having problems with corrections. There are more than we might have thought.
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
glen.campbell at publications.europa.eu<mailto:glen.campbell at publications.europa.eu>
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From: John Glover [mailto:john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>]
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 11:25 AM
Cc: Darwin Peltan; ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project
Subject: Re: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Hi Glen,
We can't really push back further on this without risking delaying our release, as there is still some work required on our end to update our code and deploy it to the test server after the translations are completed, and that work must be completed today. How much time do you think you need?
On 5 September 2013 11:14, CAMPBELL Glen (OP) <Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
We had agreed with Darwin that 12:00 would be the cut-off time to enter corrections and any new translations in Transifex. Is there any chance of pushing this back today?
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
glen.campbell at publications.europa.eu<mailto:glen.campbell at publications.europa.eu>
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From: John Glover [mailto:john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>]
Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2013 10:54 AM
Cc: Darwin Peltan; Dimitrios Mexis; Bert Van Nuffelen (bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>); HOHN Norbert (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project
Subject: Re: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Hi Glen,
Yes, Data Portal appears in that string on the home page, and also in the HTML title on many pages (displayed in the tabs in Chrome for example).
On 5 September 2013 10:40, CAMPBELL Glen (OP) <Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
Hi, can I just check whether I can easily add the definite article in the Transifex string Data Portal in all the languages and change this where possible to The EU Open Data Portal. Does the string appear for this phrase for example:
'Data Portal' contains 3 datasets that you can browse, learn about and download.
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
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From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org<mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org>]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 6:36 PM
Cc: ISOARD Olivier (OP); Dimitrios Mexis; Bert Van Nuffelen (bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>); John Glover (john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>); HOHN Norbert (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; jurgen vannerom; SABETE Vafa (OP)
Subject: Re: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Hi Glen,
12:00 noon on Thursday will be fine. I'm sorry you're having to do so much cutting and pasting. If only the translators could be persuaded to use the tools which are designed to avoid such a painful process...
Darwin Peltan
Project Manager | skype: darwinp | twitter: @darwin<http://twitter.com/darwin>
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On 3 September 2013 16:37, CAMPBELL Glen (OP) <Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
Hi Darwin,
I must confess that I'm having enough problems filling up the master Excel sheet. It is really time consuming in fact. But for Transifex, I think what I'll do tomorrow is just go through the Word documents I'm getting back and look at the comments on the data tab.
Could I still be given a time of day for Transifex? Would even Thursday noon be possible?
Could I also be given a time of day for Friday for Drupal?
(I must say that this dual system we have for Transifex/Drupal is a very time-consuming and complicated system when you multiply it by 24 languages.).
Have a nice sunny evening,
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
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From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org<mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org>]
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 4:50 PM
Cc: ISOARD Olivier (OP); Dimitrios Mexis; Bert Van Nuffelen (bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>); John Glover (john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>); HOHN Norbert (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; jurgen vannerom; SABETE Vafa (OP)
Subject: Re: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Hi Glen.
Thanks for the update. Please let us know all the languages are available and we will import them into the site. Just to check timings - You're aiming to be finish this tomorrow so we can import on Thursday?
Thanks for all your work on this.
Darwin Peltan
Project Manager | skype: darwinp | twitter: @darwin<http://twitter.com/darwin>
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On 3 September 2013 14:12, CAMPBELL Glen (OP) <Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
Darwin, I am going to try my best to get as many of the translations in Transifex by 4 September, but I think for a couple of languages it might not be possible. Could we say 19:00 CET?
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
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From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org<mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org>]
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2013 5:16 PM
Cc: ISOARD Olivier (OP); Dimitrios Mexis; Bert Van Nuffelen (bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>); John Glover (john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>); HOHN Norbert (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; jurgen vannerom; SABETE Vafa (OP)
Subject: Re: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Hi All,
In principle the plan proposed by Olivier is fine with us. Some notes
- I'm not sure why the translators will need to access the publishers area as we're not translating the publisher interface? (If this is needed 10F will need to create the logins as they manage the ODP.tenforce.com<http://ODP.tenforce.com> test site)
- We were not expecting any further translations for release 09.00 so some extra work will be needed for us to set up a project in Transifex for release 09.00 and re-export the translations if this is needed
- We are due to deliver the site for testing by the PO on 6th September - If we don't have the translations by 4th September at the latest this will delay this and this will then push back the other dates agreed
Darwin Peltan
Project Manager | skype: darwinp | twitter: @darwin<http://twitter.com/darwin>
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On 23 August 2013 14:43, CAMPBELL Glen (OP) <Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu<mailto:Glen.CAMPBELL at publications.europa.eu>> wrote:
Hi there,
It's almost the weekend, albeit a rainier one than we might have liked.
Do you agree to Olivier's proposal?
I need to know what site our translation service needs to look at. It is already looking like they won't be able to do it for 30 August. Can we think about what later deadline is feasible for your work downstream? Naturally, this is more something for my other colleagues to decide.
I need to allow at least 5 working days for their work schedule (this doesn't mean it takes them 5 days of course to do; some languages will come in quicker than others). Then, depending upon the volume I need 1 or 2 days to compile the corrections in user-friendly format, as requested by Dimitrios. So already I'm seeing a date when I can deliver to you of around 4 September.
Thank you in advance,
Glen Campbell
Information and Communication Assistant
Publications Office of the European Union
Dissemination and Reuse Directorate
Common Portal and Open Data Portal Unit
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 292944687<tel:%2B352%20292944687> • Fax: +352 292942758<tel:%2B352%20292942758>
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From: ISOARD Olivier (OP)
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 5:10 PM
To: 'Darwin Peltan'; Dimitrios Mexis; Bert Van Nuffelen (bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>)
Cc: CAMPBELL Glen (OP); John Glover (john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>); HOHN Norbert (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; jurgen vannerom; SABETE Vafa (OP)
Subject: ODP - Review of website by DGT - Modus operandi proposal
Importance: High
Bert, Darwin, Dimitrios,
After a tchat with Glen, the best approach taking into account the current roadmap for the new releases is the following:
> Please keep http://odp.tenforce.com as it is for the moment (release 00.09.01/02)
> We will ask immediately DGT translators to review this version by accessing directly your env (as our one is not yet released on prod – not visible from external DGs). DGT will provide us with their comments by the end of the month (ideally 30/08).
> Depending on DGT's feedback on 00.09.01/02, we will consider if a new intermediate hotfix will be required for fixing translations before 01.00.00. If not, the comments will be communicated to you anyway for integration into 01.00.00.
> Once this exercise (review of 00.09.xx on odp.tenforce) will be over, env http://odp.tenforce.com will be again available for deploying an early version of 01.00.00 as discussed today with Bert. This will be then the reference env for translators responsible for new screens linked to ODP 1.0.
For DGT translators to access ODP data provider's corner, we need 6 testing accounts on http://odp.tenforce.com. Would you please create them and provide us with credentials?
Thanks in advance to confirm you agreement on this proposal, also the info for the 6 data publisher accounts.
Best regards,
Olivier ISOARD
Projets Informatiques
Office des publications de l'Union européenne
Direction A – Core Business Services
Unité A3 - Projets Informatiques
2985 Luxembourg • LUXEMBOURG
Tel: +352 2929<tel:%2B352%202929> 42360 • Fax: +352 2929<tel:%2B352%202929> 44604
From: Darwin Peltan [mailto:darwin.peltan at okfn.org]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 12:15 PM
To: Dimitrios Mexis
Cc: CAMPBELL Glen (OP); Bert Van Nuffelen (bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com<mailto:bert.van.nuffelen at tenforce.com>); John Glover (john.glover at okfn.org<mailto:john.glover at okfn.org>); HOHN Norbert (OP); ZAJAC Agnieszka (OP); Project list for EC ODP CKAN project; ISOARD Olivier (OP); jurgen vannerom
Subject: Re: Review of website
Hi Dimitrios and Jurgen,
As I understand it from speaking to Glen, the translators need to review the content of release 09.02 in situ (both CKAN and Drupal sections).
Will http://odp.tenforce.com continue to be available with release 09.02 on it for the next couple of weeks or will you be starting to use it for testing release 01.00? If not is there another instance that the translators can use for reviewing the content?
Darwin Peltan<
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