[ECODP-dev] About page - Translations

Dimitrios Mexis dimitrios.mexis at tenforce.com
Thu Sep 12 15:28:28 UTC 2013

Hello Agnieszka/Glen,

I have worked with the about page. and I face two problems.

I send you two xls. The original you sent, in About page, I have some 
*purpled *values. They are different in CKAN and in Drupal release 01.  
[ CHECK please against the public address where we have release 01 ]
After the correctionsand it is about tabs.

*The second problem is the following**:*
In the about page, the texts are half-static, half-dynamic.

For example:

The portal provides a metadata catalogue giving access to data from the 
institutions and other bodies of the EU. To facilitate reuse, these 
metadata are based on common encoding rules and standardized 
vocabularies.To learn more, seeLinked Data 

Data are available in both human and machine readable formats for 
immediate reuse. You will also find a selection of applications built 
around EU data.To learn more, seeApplications 

This is for Drupal like that :
/1) The portal provides a metadata catalogue giving access to data from 
the institutions and other bodies of the EU. To facilitate reuse, these 
metadata are based on common encoding rules and standardized vocabularies.
*2) **To learn more, see*
3) Linked Data
4) Data are available in both human and machine readable formats for 
immediate reuse. You will also find a selection of applications built 
around EU data.
*5) To learn more, see*
6) How can I reuse these data
7) As a general principle, you can reuse data free of charge, provided 
that the source is acknowledged
8)see legal notice
9) Specific conditions on reuse, related mostly to the protection of 
third-party intellectual property rights, apply to a small number of 
data. A link to these conditions is displayed on the relevant data pages.
10) How can I participate in the portal?
11) Another important goal of the portal is to engage with the user 
community around EU open data. You can participate by:
12) suggesting datasets,
13) giving your feedback and suggestions, and
14) sharing your apps or the use you have made with the data from the 

The text is split between static and dynamic. dynamic is blue. Also in 
*Bold*, there is a phrase in English which always is same, and is also 
static and goes with a dynamic link.
So we need to have one and for all texts "To learn more, see ".

The given rows, 46,47,49, are all texts as given are concatenated, and 
for me is a bit difficult to split them.
Plus the "To learn more" has deviations between same language and 
different context.

IS IT REALLY necessary ? Can we settle this ?


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