[epsi-coord] I added the Google calendar with PSI / OGD events to epsiplatform.eu

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Fri Apr 8 08:23:38 BST 2011

hi all,

the google calendar I've been maintaining since a year or so on open
government data events I now have added to the epsiplatform.eu as well.
It's at http://epsiplatform.eu/european_psi_open_data_events
Pointers on the front page, and in the 'meeting highlights'. Also wrote a
news item on it:

*All of you can edit the calendar using the info at epsiplatform.eu login
details! So if you have events to add, feel free to do so!* (Need help? Ping

Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu

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