[epsi-coord] Inception Report - meeting of the 10th

Tom Kronenburg tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl
Wed Mar 9 09:02:36 GMT 2011


Should we do anything with this? Do you feel we should prepare a presentation?

@Ton, do you feel you can elaborate on the actions you envision for the platform?

I feel that for the website we can talk from the Req. document.

Kind Regards,

Tom Kronenburg

Zenc | Focus op oplossingen
Alexanderstraat 18
2514 JM Den Haag
KvK:  27190312
Tel:  +31 70 3626944 of +31 6 55778353
Fax:  +31 70 3921835

tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl<mailto:tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl>

Op 8 mrt 2011, om 11:17 heeft <Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu>> <Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu>> het volgende geschreven:

Hi Tom,

the idea of the kick off meeting is that you present yourselves, and present in more detail the specific actions you intend to develop in the coming 2 years.

Already in the meeting, greater detail of what is going to take place within the first 6 months is expected.

We in the context of your presentations will require clarifications, and /or suggest ideas on what we are expecting from you.

For example, what ideas you are going to implement to engage with the stakeholder community, are you going to change the interface, when, etc, etc. We will go gthrough the objectives of the tender and your proposal and ,see whether you have developed in greater detail the envisaged actions.A pity that the OKF can not make, but we would like to know what in particular will they be responsible for, etc,etc.

We will also deal with administrative issues and some other issues that have been raised as per the platform.

Is this ok for you ?

Looking forward to seeing you Thursday.


From: Tom Kronenburg [mailto:tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl]
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 12:04 PM
Cc: Ton Zijlstra; Marc De Vries; Katleen Janssen; Jonathan Gray
Subject: Inception Report - meeting of the 10th

Dear Mr. Pelegrin, dear Juan,

We are delighted to have started the EPSI project. We have prepared an inception report for you to mark this point. We feel that it would be good to discuss this inception report in the upcoming Kick off Meeting, which is the reason we have prepared it   at this date. The inception report is attached to this e-mail as a pdf-file.

Perhaps it is also smart to check a view matters regarding the Kick off Meeting:
- We will bring almost all teammembers, as well as Marc's assistent. (Marc de Vries, Ton Zijlstra, Katleen Janssen, Hans Graux, Ko Mies and Tom Kronenburg, as well as Joanna O'Connor). Unfortunately, the OKF won't be there. Is the meeting going to take place in the EC offices at the rue de Robert Stumper?
- A number of topics are bound to come up on the meeting. As you are hosting the meeting we feel you should also have the honor of setting the agenda. However, there are some topics that we would like to discuss.
- The inception report might be a good starting point, especially since it contains all items from the workpackages and also some links to current and upcoming events and/or activities.
- In the Januari meeting you have said the PSI Scoreboard Criteria will be set by the commission. As the scoreboard is an important part of the website, we would like to delve into this a little deeper.
- Also it might be smart to establish some more informal but more regular contact between you personally and the team. We can, if you like, talk about this after the official meeting.

In Case there are any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Kind regards on behalve of all of the EPSI-team!

Tom Kronenburg

Tom Kronenburg

Zenc | Focus op oplossingen
Alexanderstraat 18
2514 JM Den Haag
KvK:  27190312
Tel:  +31 70 3626944 of +31 6 55778353 of +31 6 55865008
Fax:  +31 70 3921835

tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl<mailto:tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl>

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