[epsi-coord] Topic reports

Daniel Dietrich daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Wed Mar 9 12:11:57 GMT 2011

Hi all,

I also think the list looks very good already!

What about one more about the challenges that come with "outsourcing" of government tasks. And special when PSI is produced by private companies or PPP?

Or is this covered in PRICING/ECONOMIC Point 3?

An other proposal: Case study on the challenges of turing PSI into open data and privacy.


On 09.03.2011, at 10:31, Ton Zijlstra wrote:

> Hi Tom,
> This already looks very good to me. A list we can take with us tomorrow, and discuss with the EC. I suspect they have some wishes as well, which may coincide with our suggestions or not.
> best,
> Ton
> -------------------------------------------
> Interdependent Thoughts
> Ton Zijlstra
> ton at tonzijlstra.eu
> +31-6-34489360
> http://zylstra.org/blog
> -------------------------------------------
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 9:59 AM, Tom Kronenburg <tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl> wrote:
> So, so far we have a number. I took the liberty of structuring it. Please add to this list today, so we can take it to the EC tomorrow!
> I have added
> ----------
> Pricing/economic 3 & 4
> Countries and local 6 & 7 (from previous discussion) 11 (new)
> projects 3
> ----------
> 1: OGD/re-use and privacy issues – the relationship between the PSI directive and the directive on the processing of personal data.
> 2: A study of the results of the reviews of the directive in 2008 and 2010 to have some insights in the developments and remaining complaints
> 3: A report about the relationship between access to government information as a fundamental right and re-use
> 4: Copyright & PSI. Review of which member states have copyright exemptions for (certain kinds of) government documents/datasets.
> 1: the effect of PSI reuse on information marketplaces: PSI can enable such markets because a new resource is made available to more service providers; but also eliminate vendors of information which is now no longer artificially scarce or protected.
> 2: the impact of public-private partnerships on PSI (since private entities don't necessarily have an interest in making collected data available for reuse)
> 3: Case studies: PSI impact on public-private partnerships (where is PSI a prerequisite for public-private partnerships, are there situations in which data only becomes valuable after being combined with private data).
> 4: Summary of findings of the POPSI study and relevance for ... 
> 1-5: State of Play reports on countries that we hardly hear anything about: Ireland, Belgium, and particularly eastern Europe
> 6: Datacatalogs across the member states. Quantitative and Qualitative analysis of local and national data catalogs. 
> 7-10: Case studies, why do local OpenData initiatives work, or don't work?
> 11: Does a country's structure (Federalist, highly local, highly centralized) have a significant impact on the OpenData/PSI reuse practices?
> 1:  The relevance of related initiatives for opening up PSI (something has been written about INSPIRE, but there is also Europeana, SEIS, GMES, GEOSS, etc.)
> 2:  The identification of success factors/major barriers to PSI reuse projects (e.g. privacy impact, scope/scale of data, reliability and/or official authentic status of the data, degree of prior availability, competition from alternative sources, availability of supporting infrastructure (software/APIs), promotional activities, etc). Probably this would be easier after we have some more data in place;
> 3: Impact of PSI on government service models. Where does Open Data significantly reduce cost in government processes?
> Kind regards
> Tom Kronenburg
> Zenc | Focus op oplossingen
> Alexanderstraat 18
> 2514 JM Den Haag
> KvK: 	27190312
> Tel: 	+31 70 3626944 of +31 6 55778353 
> Fax: 	+31 70 3921835
> tom.kronenburg at zenc.nl
> www.zenc.nl
> Op 8 mrt 2011, om 18:55 heeft Hans Graux het volgende geschreven:
>> Very good ideas. From my side, it would also be interesting to take a look
>> at: 
>> - the identification of success factors/major barriers to PSI reuse projects
>> (e.g. privacy impact, scope/scale of data, reliability and/or official
>> authentic status of the data, degree of prior availability, competition from
>> alternative sources, availability of supporting infrastructure
>> (software/APIs), promotional activities, etc). Probably this would be easier
>> after we have some more data in place;
>> - the impact of public-private partnerships on PSI (since private entities
>> don't necessarily have an interest in making collected data available for
>> reuse)
>> - the effect of PSI reuse on information marketplaces: PSI can enable such
>> markets because a new resource is made available to more service providers;
>> but also eliminate vendors of information which is now no longer
>> artificially scarce or protected.
>> For Thursday, it seems I will probably not be able to attend due to a
>> conflicting engagement, but I'm sure Katleen has more meaningful things to
>> add on the topic than I do, anyway. ;-)
>> Hans
>> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
>> Van: okfn.jonathan.gray at googlemail.com
>> [mailto:okfn.jonathan.gray at googlemail.com] Namens Jonathan Gray
>> Verzonden: dinsdag 8 maart 2011 18:21
>> Aan: Katleen Janssen
>> CC: Tom Kronenburg; Ton Zijlstra; Marc de Vries; Hans Graux
>> Onderwerp: Re: Topic reports
>> (cc'ing epsi-coord)
>> Great suggestions Katleen!
>> Also what about:
>> Copyright & PSI. Review of which member states have copyright
>> exemptions for (certain kinds of) government documents/datasets.
>> J.
>> On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Katleen Janssen
>> <Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> For the meeting next Thursday, some first thoughts about possible topic
>>> reports from my side:
>>> -          OGD/re-use and privacy issues – the relationship between the
>> PSI
>>> directive and the directive on the processing of personal data
>>> -          A study of the results of the reviews of the directive in 2008
>>> and 2010 to have some insights in the developments and remaining
>> complaints
>>> -          A report about the relationship between access to government
>>> information as a fundamental right and re-use
>>> -          State of Play reports on countries that we hardly hear anything
>>> about: Ireland, Belgium (not that there is much to say J), and
>> particularly
>>> eastern Europe
>>> -          The relevance of related initiatives for opening up PSI
>>> (something has been written about INSPIRE, but there is also Europeana,
>>> SEIS, GMES, GEOSS, etc.)
>>> Best regards,
>>> Katleen
>>> *********************************
>>> dr. Katleen Janssen
>>> Postdoctoral researcher
>>> K.U.Leuven - Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT
>>> Sint-Michielsstraat 6
>>> [t]  +32 16 328 707   [f] : + 32 16 325 438
>>> [e]  katleen.janssen at law.kuleuven.be
>>> [w]  www.law.kuleuven.ac.be/icri/   -   www.ibbt.be
>>> Disclaimer: http://www.kuleuven.be/cwis/email_disclaimer.htm
>>> “NEW! Postgraduate Studies in ICT & MediaLaw: please consult our website
>> for
>>> more information!”
>> -- 
>> Jonathan Gray
>> Community Coordinator
>> The Open Knowledge Foundation
>> http://blog.okfn.org
>> http://twitter.com/jwyg
>> http://identi.ca/jwyg
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