[epsi-coord] Fwd: RE: epsiplatform Topic Reports

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 16:34:33 BST 2012

Hi Marc, all
Let's get started on this. Thoughts how to kick off?

---------- Doorgestuurd bericht ----------
Van: <Katalin.IMREI at ec.europa.eu>
Datum: 8 aug. 2012 17:19
Onderwerp: RE: epsiplatform Topic Reports
Aan: <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com>
Cc: <Szymon.LEWANDOWSKI at ec.europa.eu>, <Yvo.Volman at ec.europa.eu>

 Dear Ton,****

** **

Thank you very much for this quick reaction.****

We have discussed internally your proposal and I think we can agree to the
line you suggest. ****

Our only request is that please make sure that this topic report goes
beyond the conclusions and statements of the previous studies and reports
published in the subject of charging. We would ideally need something that
further clarifies at least a few aspects of the charging practices in the
Member States as well as the trends and their economic impact.****

** **

We would really appreciate it if your document could be delivered by
mid-September so that it can actually become a timely input to the
negotiations on the PSI Directive.****

Thank you in advance for all your efforts.****

** **




** **

*From:* Ton Zijlstra [mailto:ton.zijlstra at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Wednesday, August 08, 2012 12:12 PM

*To:* IMREI Katalin (CNECT)
*Subject:* Re: epsiplatform Topic Reports****

** **

Dear Katalin, Szymon,****

Following up on the additional information you provided we have internally
discussed how to go about a topic report on current charging practices.****

Appreciating and grasping the need to address this matter within the
current and sensitive context related to the proposal for the Directive, we
of course would like to assist you in the best way we can, without
promising more than we can deliver: many studies on PSI charging run into
difficulties as there is such a wide array of PSI and pricing policies,
even per PSI domain and per Member State.****

In this context and given the tight deadline, we suggest that we confine
ourselves to a limited number of Member States and PSI domains, where we
think there is a chance that we can swiftly gather data. Our suggestion is
to look into current charging practices in 5-10 MS  - UK, Finland, Denmark,
Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Germany, Austria and Spain come to mind as best
candidates. Thereby we will also be focusing on very specific data sets
held by a national PSB and representing important PSI domains, such as the
national topographic data (held by the national Cadastre), the meteo data
(held by the national Met Office). Doing so, we must of course focus on
trends, rather than the deep details. We also feel it would be good to add
a small section to point to the positive economic impact of reducing
charges / switching to marginal costing pricing models, building on
research already done (POPSIS, Koski, Houghton, Newbery etc.).****

We expect that the outcome would be a document between 5-10 pages, with
some annexes, to be delivered by mid September.****

I would be pleased to know whether this would meet your requirements and
serve your needs. If so, we will start working on it right away to ensure
timely delivery.****


Ton Zijlstra****

Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


** **

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On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 2:20 PM, <Katalin.IMREI at ec.europa.eu> wrote:****

Dear Ton,****


Thank you very much for this quick feedback.****

Looking forward to receiving your first reactions possibly before the end
of this week.****


Thank you again.****




*From:* Ton Zijlstra [mailto:ton.zijlstra at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 07, 2012 2:11 PM
*To:* IMREI Katalin (CNECT)
*Subject:* Re: epsiplatform Topic Reports****


Dear Katalin,****


Thank you very much for this. This is certainly helpful to see how this can
be done. It is especially good to know how the result would be useful for
you and how it could have a role in the ongoing negotiations on the PSI


I have immediately forwarded your message to the rest of the team, and we
will get back to you soon. I expect to be able to respond to you this week.*




Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu



*Share your real life open data experiences,*****

*observations and anecdotes:*****



** **

On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 1:13 PM, <Katalin.IMREI at ec.europa.eu> wrote:****

Dear Ton,****


Thank you very much for the Topic Report that you have just sent to us. We
will soon come back to you on that.****


Thank you for the very constructive phone conversation yesterday.****

As you may remember, we have promised to come back to you with some
clarification of a potential candidate for a subject for one of the next
topic reports, namely the charging issue.****

We have briefly discussed it internally and come to the conclusion, that
the most realistic request that we may have towards you and the most useful
paper that could serve our purposes would be a paper demonstrating the
trends of charging practices in the Member States. What we would need is
basically some evidence showing that the general trend in the Member States
with regard to charging is a decreasing one, i.e. from the direction of the
total cost recovery model to the marginal cost model or even to the zero
cost model.  If it is too ambitious for the purpose of a topic paper, which
I suppose will be the case, to provide a snapshot of all the Member States
in this respect, then you may consider selecting some Member States as
descriptive examples and use these cases to demonstrate the current trend.**


I hope this information feeds a bit into your internal reflection process.
Please let me know if you need further clarification on this issue from our


As regards the timing of the paper, since the discussions in the Council
and the EP are going on at full speed in the framework of the legislative
procedure on the revised PSI Directive, if we want this topic paper on
charging to be a real input to the ongoing negotiations, it would be
crucial to have it as soon as possible and possibly in the course of
September. Is that realistic in your view?****


Thank you in advance.****

Best regards,****





*Katalin IMREI*****

Policy Officer****


[image: cid:895344008 at 04052012-11FB]****

*European Commission*****


Unit G3 – Data Value Chain****

*        EUFO 1/297, L-2557 Luxembourg/Gasperich****

(        +352-430-135-133****

Ê        +352-430-130-269****

8         katalin.imrei at ec.europa.eu****






*From:* Ton Zijlstra [mailto:ton.zijlstra at gmail.com]
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 07, 2012 12:36 PM
*Subject:* epsiplatform Topic Reports****


Dear Szymon, Katalin,****


Thank you for the phone conversation yesterday, in which we also discussed
two new Topic Reports.****


One Topic Report on local data is ready and currently being proof read by
our external native speaker editor. I will receive it back from the editor
next Tuesday, and will then forward it to you.****


One Topic Report on procurement data is ready and proof read, and attached
for your approval.****


Upon receiving your approval we will proceed to publish the Topic Report
(as well as the two sent earlier) on the ePSIplatform.****




Ton Zijlstra
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu



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