[epsi-coord] Invitation to speak at ePSI platform Conference 2012
Daniel Dietrich
daniel.dietrich at okfn.org
Tue Feb 21 13:27:31 GMT 2012
Hi Harry, David,
thanks you for the swift replay.
On 21.02.2012, at 14:16, Harry Verwayen wrote:
> Dear Daniel,
> Thank you for this information, I hereby confirm my attendance. I am copying
> my colleague David Haskiya who is also on the programme so that we are all
> in the loop.
Good point! I have also added Hans Graux and the ePSi team in CC.
> We propose that David will talk about our efforts to apply open
> data within Europeana (through hackathons etc.) and that I will talk about
> our strategy and advocacy postition (business model, data exchange
> agreements).
Excellent idea! We are discussing the plenary and we think it is a bit unbalanced.
So right now we are looking for some one from a GLAM institution that would be able to play the counterpart (e.g. against or critical about the proposed amendment of the PSI directive to extend the scope of the Directive to include data from cultural heritage institutions). Any ideas on this?
> Could you please remove Vanessa Proudman from the programme as
> she is no longer working here, and put Europeana behind my name instead of
> Open Glam?
All the best
> We look forward to getting in touch with Hans Graux for further
> direction.
> Kind regards,
> Harry
> Harry Verwayen
> Business Development Director
> www.europeana.eu <http://www.europeana.eu>
> Mobile: +31 (6)10 88 40 60
> Email: harry.verwayen at kb.nl
> Skype: hverwayen
> Op 2/21/12 1:21 PM, Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich at okfn.org> schreef:
>> Dear Harry,
>> I hope this message finds you well. This is a follow up mail with more
>> information on the ePSI conference.
>> Within the framework of the ePSI Platform (a project financed by DG INFSO), we
>> are in the process of organizing the ‘2012 ePSI Platform Conference: taking
>> re-use to the next level’, which will be held on 16 March in Rotterdam. We
>> expect around 300 leading Open Data stakeholders to be present, with over 220
>> having booked so far. As such it will be one of the largest Open Data events
>> ever held, and will serve as a landmark where new policy issues were put on
>> the agenda, where people first met and where new ideas and concepts were
>> sparked. The Conference will combine 3 inspiring plenary sessions bringing
>> together keynote speakers and 12 interactive parallel sessions during which
>> participants can meet, discuss and inspire each other.
>> Given your well known interest and expertise in this field, we would be
>> honoured if you would be willing to contribute to the event as one of the
>> introductory speakers in parallel session Track "Re--use of Cultural Heritage
>> Information(CHI)". As we are focusing mainly on sparking discussions and
>> debates, your presentation could be relatively short (5-10 minutes maximum),
>> but should preferably be provocative. To facilitate the discussions, we have
>> arranged for a moderator (which you may know), namely Hans Graux (ePSI team).
>> Upon your confirmation, the moderator will contact you to further detail and
>> organize the session (preventing overlaps and synchronizing timing and
>> structure and making sure we are in possession of your presentation material a
>> few days before the conference). Obviously, state of the art equipment to
>> support your presentation will be available. The document attached contains a
>> leaflet on the Conference and the provisional program, including ‘your’
>> session.
>> In addition, as the European Commission is organizing its PSI Group Meeting
>> (bringing together key representatives from Member States and industry) in
>> Rotterdam the day before, we are organizing ‘a day-before dinner’, allowing
>> you (and the other contributors to the Conference) to extend your network and
>> meet a lot of interesting people. Therefore, we also kindly invite you for
>> this complementary dinner on 15 March (the venue will be communicated later).
>> In your response, please let me know whether you would like to join us, and
>> whether you have any preferences, like vegetarian food, or food allergies,
>> that should be taken into account.
>> I sincerely hope you can part of this great event and I am looking forward to
>> your response. If you have any questions, I will be delighted to address them.
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
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