[epsi-coord] minutes CC 30 January 2012

Katleen Janssen Katleen.Janssen at law.kuleuven.be
Mon Jan 30 17:13:30 GMT 2012

Hi Marc,

I cannot attend the conference call on Friday.  I will send an update mail on Thursday on the AB/awards ideas.

Best regards,

From: epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:epsi-coord-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Marc de Vries
Sent: maandag 30 januari 2012 18:00
To: epsi-coord at lists.okfn.org
Subject: [epsi-coord] minutes CC 30 January 2012

Dear all,

Below are the minutes of our CC.

I very much fear that we are losing track again.

We need to:

1.       Be at the weekly CCs

2.       Have a planning monitoring and control cycle in place. Tom can you please arrange that

3.       Finish what we have committed to

I suggest we have a priority Conference Call coming Friday at 10.00 (most of you confirmed already, Ton, Katleen can you do so as well).



AB + SE meeting - Katleen

1.       AB: Piric, Ricolfi, Uhlir, Rolf, Pettifer:  emails sent out to today by Katleen

2.       SE: Knyrim, Donker, Parsons, Futter, Steinberg, Taggert: Katleen will send out emails

3.       10 hotel nights + most will claim travel costs, check with Tom

4.       Dinner after will be organized

5.       Hotel: Marc will pass on suggestions to Katleen

6.       Meeting room

Awards - Katleen

1.       Katleen will come up with some ideas how to cater for the awards

2.       We will suggest to EC that we drop it and do something else, more appealing

3.       Hans: trial blazer pitch: allow high potentials to give a presentation, also to seek funding

4.       Call for trial blazers: to be launched, in combination with Ask an Expert Service + some seed funding

5.       Ton needs to communicate this to the EC, ask approval asap


1.       Tom and Marc - 3 February meeting on follow up towards sponsors

2.       Invitation letter - Daniel will draft a draft

3.       Marc will send invitation for CC coming Friday 10.00?

4.       Marc will insert sheet in planning document with names and themes

5.       By Friday afternoon we will need to finalize that list and send out invitations (first wave)

6.       Sponsor management:

a.       Confirmation letter

b.      Instructions what to get from them and how to organize this

c.       Follow up actions

7.       Marketing management: we will deal with that on Friday - Daniel will draft something on the basis of Sponsor document

Other issues

1.       Cases - Marc will check the postcodes case

2.       TRs

a.       There is one draft on the new Directive - Katleen, please add some national developments

b.      Spending data + budget data - Ton has been drafting some, we are 2 behind

c.       Ton needs to ask approval from the EC

3.       News items - seems to be slowing down

4.       Mission meetings

a.       Daniel: Open parliamentary data Paris, Open data congres in CZ, Open data meeting in Barcelona

b.      Marc: Madrid 16/2, Marc will attend

c.       Ton to Washington

5.       PSI scoreboard - 1 March life

6.       Progress Report - Ton needs to check status

7.       Narrative database - status?

8.       Fact sheets - needs to be finished urgently

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