[EU-lobby-data] data lobbying expenses

ester ester at corporateeurope.org
Tue Dec 11 11:36:12 UTC 2012

Oops, sorry for spamming, that wasn't suposed to go to the list. Excuse me.


On 11/12/12 12:31, ester wrote:
> Hi!
> I would need the data on the lobbying expenses, because the deadline 
> for my text is right on the corner :S. Just in case, can you provide 
> me with a column with the formula you said: IF(turnover_absolute, 
> turnover_absolute, (turnover_min+turnover_max)/2 ) ?
> Thanks!
> ester

Ester Arauzo
Researcher and media outreach coordinator
ester at corporateeurope.org
Corporate Europe Observatory

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