[euopendata] Fwd: ODIS conference Copenhagen follow-up / Open Data initiatives in Germany

Ton Zijlstra ton at tonzijlstra.eu
Mon Feb 8 16:13:26 UTC 2010

Hi all,

the e-mail below I just send to Javier Hernandez-Ros at the EC, whom I met
last week at the Danish open data conference that took place in Copenhagen.


Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


---------- Forwarded message ----------

Dear mr Hernandez-Ros,

Last Thursday we met at the ODIS conference in Copenhagen, where you were
speaking on behalf of the EC, and I acted as the moderator for the
discussion panel.

We talked about several issues, which I am now mailing you about to
ePSI platform, EU open data network*
You asked about the lack of conversation/interaction going on at the ePSI
platform. I have forwarded your comment to the EU wide network of Open Data
enthusiasts we are currently building (we, in this case being me and
Jonathan Gray of the UK Open Knowledge Foundation) (See
http://wiki.okfn.org/euopendata). We also have added as action point for us
to all contact the national representative for the ePSI platform, as listed
German open PSI initiatives*
We discussed open data initiatives in Germany and you mentioned that there
was not much going on, at least at the federal level (as underlined by this
recent interview:
However below the federal level there are several things of interest I

First there is the Open Data Network, founded last October in Berlin,
http://opendata-network.org/ The founding meeting was attended by high level
representatives of all major German political parties.  The people in Open
Data Network are currently very active to move the open PSI discussion
forward in Germany, and particularly are working together with the German
association of cities. This may lead to a number of local open data
initiatives, in much the same way that Canadian cities like Edmonton and
Vancouver are now doing.

Second, in the federal state Nether Saxony, Niedersachsen, there is a
data.gov like initiative initiated by the Ministry of Economics of
Niedersachsen. Part of that effort is Lambert Heller (Univ Hannover) who I
am cc-ing in this message. He can most likely provide you with more detail
of the work that is being done. Lambert, can you provide a description (or
links) of how Niedersachsen is moving forward?

Third, there is a project proposal underway, funded by the German Ministry
for the Interior, to start/provide for a place for a German community of
civil servants of all levels of government who are interested in how
digitization, web2.0 and open gov are changing their role and work. In the
Netherlands such a community already exists, Ambtenaar20.nl, and is a good
way to connect the change agents in all the different parts of government.
This project will probably be guided by Stefan Gehrke at
http://politik-digital.de/ . Stefan started this initiative after I showed
him how this community works in the Netherlands (I'm a board member in the
foundation connected to Ambtenaar20.nl).

*Open Data Flow Chart
*You received a copy of the open data flow chart from me and Olav Andersen
(Norway). The flow-chart was created as part of my work on open gov data for
the Dutch MInistry for the Interior. We released it under Creative Commons,
and translations are under way in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, German and
Finnish. We would of course like to see local versions made for all EU
member states. Perhaps you can point people in your network towards this
poster. Description of our work, as well as download links to the original
files of the poster can be found at

I enjoyed meeting you in Copenhagen last week, and thought your presentation
was a valuable contribution to help Danish government and their civil
servants get more energized in moving open PSI forward.

kind regards,

Ton Zijlstra
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu

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