[euopendata] Welcome to new EU open data call participants!

Peter Krantz peter.krantz at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 15:27:46 UTC 2010

Hello all!

I am very happy to see the number of semweb people here! I believe
that linked data initiatives will require a lot of help from experts
as many of those who work with data on a daily basis have not thought
about the context in which it appears.

Having used the semantic web technology stack as the foundation for
the swedish legal information standardisation project I discovered
that we need more people who can explain the basics and show how it
can be done.

Looking forward to more discussion about the didactics of semantic web


Peter Krantz

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 16:16,  <Stefano.BERTOLO at ec.europa.eu> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I work as a scientific project officer at the European Commission.
> In the past five years my Unit has been the largest public funder of R&D in knowledge management worldwide.
> We have in particular funded a lot of R&D in semantic web technologies.
> It seems to me that applying such technologies to the problem of connecting linked open data public sector information would be an excellent way to contribute value back to society and possibly to identify new problems whose solution might be worth funding.
> It is very important to me that this be done with a EU-wide viewpoint, to optimise the spreading of best practicies and lessons learned and the reuse of resources.
> In previous lives I was (in reverse chronological order) a software engineer (at Cycorp, US) a cognitive science rsearcher (at MIT) and a graduate student in Philosophy (at Rutgers).
> Best,
> stefano
> --------------------------------------------
> Stefano Bertolo, Ph.D.       Project Officer
> European Commission Information Society DG, Unit E2
> Mail: EUFO 1/293 - rue Alcide de Gasperi - L-2920 Luxembourg
> Office: Euroforum building - 10, rue Robert Stumper - L-2557 Luxembourg
> Tel. +352.4301.37435 Fax. +352.4301.38099
> stefano.bertolo at ec.europa.eu
> DG INFSO/E2: http://cordis.europa.eu/info-management/
> http://www.okkam.org/entity/ed5bdc09-ca66-4435-b48e-6df558315fa1
> The views expressed in this e-mail are not necessarily those of
> the European Commission
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org
>>[mailto:euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Jonathan Gray
>>Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 10:28 AM
>>To: euopendata at lists.okfn.org
>>Subject: [euopendata] Welcome to new EU open data call participants!
>>A big welcome to new members of this list! Including:
>>  * Stefano Bertolo, European Commission (Luxembourg)
>>  * Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento (Italy)
>>  * Peter Dolog, Aalborg University (Denmark)
>>  * Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Technical University of Madrid (Spain)
>>  * Christophe Guéret, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands)
>>  * Michael Hausenblas, National University of Ireland (Ireland)
>>  * Ivan Herman, W3C + CWI (Netherlands)
>>  * Rinke Hoekstra, Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands)
>>  * Andreas Langegger, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Austria)
>>  * Pavel Shvaiko, TasLab - Informatica Trentina (Italy)
>>  * York Sure, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Germany)
>>  * Giovanni Tummarello, National University of Ireland (Ireland)
>>I hope I haven't missed anyone! If you are new to the list and
>>I haven't previously introduced you - please say 'hello'...
>>Sören - perhaps you can give a bit of background to existing
>>participants of the EU open data calls about the session you
>>are putting together? We decided that if we have issues with
>>too many people on a given call, we may branch into 'thematic'
>>calls - e.g.
>>policy, catalogues, and so on.
>>All: there are two sessions this week that you may be interested in:
>>  * What: Third EU Open Data Call
>>  * When: 2010-02-09 at 1600 GMT, 5pm CET
>>  * Wiki: http://wiki.okfn.org/euopendata/3
>>  * Where: Skype + Etherpad + wiki contact antti.poikola by skype
>>  * What: Virtual workshop about open data catalogs and requirements
>>  * When: 2010-02-11 at 16-1900 CET
>>  * Details:
>>  * Where: Skype + Etherpad + wiki contact antti.poikola by skype
>>All the best,
>>Jonathan Gray
>>Community Coordinator
>>The Open Knowledge Foundation
>>Twitter/Identica: jwyg
>>euopendata mailing list
>>euopendata at lists.okfn.org
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