[euopendata] ICT-2010 networking session on gov linked data

Paolo Bouquet bouquet at disi.unitn.it
Fri Feb 26 19:38:31 UTC 2010


   thanks for putting this together. It'd be difficult to do much better 
in such a short proposal!

I'd ask you to add the project "OKKAM - Enabling the Web of Entities" 
(FP7, Call 1), as it is going to be used in several projects on 
integrating gov data.

Best, Paolo

Sören Auer wrote:
> Hi all,
> As proposed by Stefano and discussed earlier I created a first draft of 
> the poposal for an ICT-2010 networking session on gov linked data at:
> http://etherpad.com/YHGxr9eTEf
> Feel free to suggest improvements, but keep in mind that there are 
> strict limits. The summary currently uses exactly the 1000 chars, for 
> the "additional material for the Selection Panel" there is still a some 
> space. We can also submit links and additional documents separately, if 
> needed. We have time till 15 April 2010 to refine the proposal.
> Please also let me know, if we can mention additional EU and/or projects 
> or outreach channels.
> We can also discuss the proposal at the Skype call on the 9th of March - 
> http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/euopendata/4.
> Have a nice weekend everybody,
> Sören

Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento
WWW: http://disi.unitn.it/~bouquet/
Phone: +39 0461 882088/3383/2164 (DIT/lab/Eco)
Skype: paolobouquet
OKKAM id: http://www.okkam.org/entity/ok200706301185791252056
Google profile: http://www.google.com/profiles/111798966561524040078
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