[euopendata] ICT-2010 networking session on gov linked data

Sören Auer auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Sat Feb 27 18:34:50 UTC 2010

On 27.02.2010 5:50, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> You are completely right, but I would rather keep the title as simple as
>> possible. I added 'public' to the first mentioning of governmental data
>> in the text, to make it a little clearer. Maybe that's sufficient?
> Not sure, to be honest. The title is what sticks, that is why I think it
> would be better to have the 'Public' there...

Ok, lets see what others think and discuss this during the conference 
call on 9th of March. From my point of view "Public Governmental Linked 
Data" sounds a little cumbersome. I also think if Linked Data is finally 
used within and between governments for rather access restricted data 
this is fine with me too.

> To be explicitly listed as 'supported', which is something that will
> appear on, say, the conference's public documents, we have to know what
> this means, what it entails, what the obligations are. What you site
> above is perfectly fine, but the respective organizations have to agree
> with that before we list them. It is like putting a logo there for some
> sort of a sponsorship (actually, logos of such organization *might*
> appear on the public material!), we cannot just do it in the wild... I
> know that for W3C I have to get an agreement from our comm guys before a
> logo or such public statement could be made. (Do not misunderstand me: I
> am 99% sure that this will not be a problem in this case)
> That is why we have to agree among ourselves what this really mean and
> see if our home organizations is able to do that. The fact that we are
> part of this committee is a bit different and may not be enough...

Ok, so what's your suggestion? The additional information is only for 
the selection panel, so it won't appear publicly. I want to list there 
every project and organization, which is important to achieve the 
objectives of the networking session and signalized some kind of 
"informal" support in the sense of supporting the preparation, helping 
to raise awareness, active participation in the networking session etc. 
I think it would be a little overkill for this kind of event to 
formalize this more, but feel free to make concrete suggestions, if you 
think that I'm wrong.


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