[euopendata] ICT-2010 networking session on gov linked data
Sören Auer
auer at informatik.uni-leipzig.de
Sun Feb 28 10:41:46 UTC 2010
On 27.02.2010 8:11, Ivan Herman wrote:
> I told you I just may be pedantic...:-) And you are right that
> formalizing this more for this project is a bit over the top...
> But: if we list all the persons and their respective organizations that
> we collectively represent in this group (which you seem to suggest),
> that sounds like a fine idea. And it is also perfectly o.k. if, say,
> Michael Hasenblas does not only list DERI but also the LATC project he
> is coordinating. But then the text should not single out individual
> projects...
> Does the structure of the project proposal allow for such a list? If
> not, I guess we can simply link a page to the text. That may be the best.
Its not a project proposal, but rather comparable to a workshop proposal
for the ICT 2010 conference. Since the conference is organized by the
EU, EU funded ICT projects are in the center of attention. That is why
we should list some EU projects which will participate and support the
networking session. Additional organizations are fine in order to
demonstrate the networking and outreach capabilities. Since the
additional material section is limited to 3000 chars I would not want to
list every person with his affiliation of this mailinglist/group, but
rather refer to the http://wiki.okfn.org/wg/euopendata website.
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