[euopendata] Licences for Public Sector Information: EUPL.. ODBL

Antti "Jogi" Poikola antti.poikola at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 15:02:47 UTC 2010


One ministry working group in Finland suggest wide adobtion of EUPL -license
[1] or similar for the public sector information resources. Any thought on
that? What are the pros and cons of different licencing models like ODBL [2]
or Creative Commons? Isn't the LAPSI (Legal aspects of Public Sector
Information) [3] project targeting on these issues... any recommendations

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union_Public_Licence
[2] http://www.opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/
[3] http://www.lapsi-project.eu/about
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