[euopendata] [open-government] Study and DataViz on lobbying at National Assembly in France

Chris Taggart countculture at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 16:37:19 UTC 2011

This is really interesting. Great work.
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2011/3/31 Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou <b.ooghe at gmail.com>:
> Oups sorry, I forgot the attachment.
> B
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 17:11, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou <b.ooghe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For more information, attached is the press communique in english that
>> TI France sent away.
>> Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou
>> Regards Citoyens
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 16:47, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou <b.ooghe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> We've been wanting to send this e-mail earlier but I guess it's never
>>> too late to show an #OpenData transparency application! :)
>>> http://www.regardscitoyens.org/transparence-france/etude-lobbying/
>>> Our latest project led in collaboration with the french section of
>>> Transprency International concerns influence interests within France's
>>> National Assembly.
>>> The subject is very taboo in France and there is not much infiormation
>>> publicly available apart from an official register of lobbyist
>>> published on the institution's website. Similar to the EU one, this
>>> one lacks in quality though since it counts only about a 100
>>> persons...
>>> Therefore we decided to use the annexes from all parliamentary reports
>>> and extract from it lists of people auditionned by MP's. We first
>>> reveal this already lacks transparency since only 38% of the reports
>>> have such a list.
>>> To work on these information and make it data, we asked the support of
>>> people trhough a crowdsourcing application (
>>> http://www.regardscitoyens.org/transparence-france/crowdsourcing/index.php
>>> ) and successfully digitized in only 10 days more than 16000 names of
>>> auditionnees thanks to 3000 people.
>>> It took us some time then to requalify this data, especially to
>>> categorize the different organizations as public, private, unions, ...
>>> In the end we got a dataset of 9000 auditionned organisations (within
>>> 3 years at the national Assembly) categorized and thematized which
>>> allowed us to publish a study and a data visualisation (inspired by
>>> the first version of where does my money go) :
>>> http://www.regardscitoyens.org/transparence-france/etude-lobbying/
>>> Unfortunately it is only in French, but we figured it could be of
>>> interest anyways !
>>> Cheers,
>>> Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou for Regards Citoyens
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