[euopendata] eurostat hackday
Michael Hausenblas
michael.hausenblas at deri.org
Mon Jan 31 12:17:08 UTC 2011
> thanks for your detailed reply and for sharing the rationale,
You're welcome.
> So are the outcomes of the hackday also tied in /related with your LATC
> deliverables?
Yes, as already mentioned, mainly in WP1 and WP3 - once they are done I'll
publicly announce it and make them available (most of the deliverables are
public anyway).
> What is LATC relationship to OKFn, if any?
LOD2 is a liaison partner of LATC and and also a member in the LATC Advisory
Committee. Additionally, DERI is both involved in LATC and LOD2 where OKF is
a project participant. Last but not least, the OKF supports us here in
Ireland to establish the open data movement, see http://ie.ckan.net as one
of the examples.
> There was virtually no advertising, the event just sprung out of the blue,
> with one announcement only the day before, and very few local people knew
> about it (outside the circle of our linkedata community locally which Keith
> is co=leading).
I would question this statement. IIRC the OKF did a good job in advertising
it (well, obviously not a year in advance, but enough time allow people to
plan ahead). I, for example, pointed it out (and I was definitely not one of
the first people to do so) on 8 Dec [1].
> After I collect all the data (provided I get it) I ll compile a fact sheet
> and circulate it for further inputs on how to mesh it
Fact sheet is good. Open *data* is better.
[1] https://twitter.com/#!/mhausenblas/status/12460414994481152
Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730
> From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio at gmail.com>
> Reply-To: <paoladimaio10 at googlemail.com>
> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:59:08 +0000
> To: Michael Hausenblas <michael.hausenblas at deri.org>
> Cc: euopendata <euopendata at lists.okfn.org>
> Subject: Re: [euopendata] eurostat hackday
> Michael
> thanks for your detailed reply and for sharing the rationale,
> So are the outcomes of the hackday also tied in /related with your LATC
> deliverables?
> What is LATC relationship to OKFn, if any?
> (just wondering).
> I'd like to know if in other cities as well if the participants attendance
> is somehow orchestrated around
> EU funded projects,
> Obviously its good to leverage synergy,
> but I dont think I would call that bottom up self organisatiom stricly
> speaking :-)
> There was virtually no advertising, the event just sprung out of the blue,
> with one announcement only the day before, and very few local people knew
> about it (outside the circle of our linkedata community locally which Keith
> is co=leading).
> The very bottom line question is: could the same Eurostathackday outputs
> have been generated with the people working remotely, via IRC?
> re.mashup
> Yes, generally speaking we should increase our awareness of the cost to the
> community (vs the benefits) of these exercises, so that we can
> strive to improve the collaboration system among EU research partner without
> taking a toll both in terms of costs to the public, as well as environmental
> costs
> (a bit of common sense now and then shouldnt hurt scientific endeavors :-)
> After I collect all the data (provided I get it) I ll compile a fact sheet
> and circulate it for further inputs on how to mesh it
> Thanks a lot
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 8:33 AM, Michael Hausenblas <
> michael.hausenblas at deri.org> wrote:
>> Paola,
>> I can only speak for LATC (in my role as LATC co-ordinator). Yes, I think,
>> in order to be credible, we need to walk our talk; heck, we're trying to
>> convince governments that transparency is good for them, so we need to eat
>> our own dog food, right?
>>> a) what have been the outcomes/benefits
>> AFAIK there will be a report on this. Please be patient.
>>> b) how money did it cost EU taxpayers to fly around people to attend the
>>> respective sessions, in the case these were not participating in their
>> local
>> hometown/region
>>> c) a breakdown of which EU projects covered for the travel costs
>> As for LATC, the participation in the Eurostat hackday was sort of a
>> (welcome) and synergetic side-effect. In fact, what we really had was a
>> joint LATC WP1/WP2 technical meeting. The LATC's WP1 assembles and delivers
>> the 24/7 Interlinking Platform, and in WP2 DERI and Talis take care of
>> (amongst other things) to RDFise and interlink the Eurostat dataset. G
>> Given that Keith Alexander (Talis) is located close to Edinburgh and had to
>> meet with Richard Cyganiak and Aftab Iqbal (both DERI), I found it sensible
>> to propose to meet there - this is the cheapest and closest location from
>> Galway POV - in order to leverage the communication and sharing with others
>> (incl. PlanetData liaison partner Andreas Harth). As you can see, we tried
>> everything to cut down costs as much as possible and maximise outcome in
>> the
>> realm of things we're contractually obliged to deliver in LATC.
>>> d) some kind of carbon footprint for the day
>> A very good idea! How about you go ahead and provide a mashup of this? I'd
>> be interested in this showcase of open data.
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
>> --
>> Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
>> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
>> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
>> Ireland, Europe
>> Tel. +353 91 495730
>> http://linkeddata.deri.ie/
>> http://sw-app.org/about.html
>>> From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio at gmail.com>
>>> Reply-To: <paoladimaio10 at googlemail.com>
>>> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 17:59:40 +0000
>>> To: euopendata <euopendata at lists.okfn.org>
>>> Subject: [euopendata] eurostat hackday
>>> Greetings
>>> I am putting together a summary of cost/benefits activities for the
>>> EUROSTAT hackday
>>> including the 'environmental cost' of flying people around
>>> http://eurostat.okfn.org/
>>> I'd like to know
>>> a) what have been the outcomes/benefits
>>> b) how money did it cost EU taxpayers to fly around people to attend the
>>> respective sessions, in the
>>> case these were not participating in their local hometown/region
>>> c) a breakdown of which EU projects covered for the travel costs
>>> d) some kind of carbon footprint for the day
>>> Does anyone have this information on this list? If not, I ll ask the EU
>>> Commission for the
>>> breakdown
>>> cheers
>>> PDM
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