[euopendata] Brief presentation

Juan Perez Garcia Juan.Perez at uv.es
Thu Sep 29 18:31:49 UTC 2011

Hi David,

Thank you very much for your response. I know about your work. Personally I have used videos and your own application, for educational purposes, in order to make people understand the need for transparency and the importance that information is organized for both the citizens and the administration. Make appropriate decisions is intimately related to the level of information and the quality of it. Is my first contact with OKFN, but I'm also receiving information from ACCESS INFO, and FOIANet of which also formed part. My intention is to integrate into the working groups as a volunteer in any area that can develop any initiative launched or contribute ideas.

Thank you for your wellcome,

Juan Perez.

El 29/09/2011, a las 17:28, David Cabo escribiĆ³:

My name is Juan PĆ©rez and I'm working in the Computing Service, University of Valencia.

 Hi Juan,

 Welcome to the list. I'm David Cabo from Pro Bono Publico [1], and Donde Van Mis Impuestos [2]. There are also members of Access Info in this list, who're campaigning heavily for the access to information law in Spain.

 Yesterday we launched AsktheEU.org based on the Alaveteli platform (the software running What Do They Know in the UK), so we're starting talks about building a similar site in Spain as a campaigning mechanism for the approval of the transparency law. As you probably know, all parties are now promising they'll pass it after the elections, but we need to make sure there's social pressure so they can't backtrack.



[1]: http://blog.probp.org
[2]: http://dondevanmisimpuestos.es

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