[euopendata] Open Repositories 2014 -- Call for Proposals

Antti Jogi Poikola antti.poikola at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 10:10:14 UTC 2013

Thanks for the notice,

topic seems interesting and OKF Finland is most probably somehow supporting
the conference here locally. Do you know if other OKFN people might be
participating - CKAN developers for example?


On 12 November 2013 10:48, Imma Subirats <imma.subirats at gmail.com> wrote:

> The Ninth International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2014, will be
> held 9-13 June 2014 in Helsinki, Finland. The organizers are pleased to
> invite you to contribute to the program. This year's conference theme is:
>             *Towards Repository Ecosystems*
> Repository systems are but one part of the ecosystem in 21st century
> research, and it is increasingly clear that no single repository will serve
> as the sole resource for its community. How can repositories best be
> positioned to offer complementary services in a network that includes
> research data management systems, institutional and discipline
> repositories, publishers, and the open Web? When should service providers
> build to fill identified niches, and where should they connect with related
> services?  How might these networks offer services to support organizations
> that lack the resources to build their own, or researchers seeking to
> optimize their domain workflows?
> Examining how repositories best integrate into the holistic research flow;
> exploring ties between domain-specific repositories and institutional
> repositories; and understanding durable content strategies outside of
> traditional repository environments are the central themes of the Open
> Repositories 2014 conference. We welcome proposals on these themes, but
> also on the theoretical, practical, organizational or administrative topics
> related to digital repositories. We're particularly interested in hearing
> about:
> * Unconventional approaches to repository-like services
> * Interconnection between publishers and repositories
> * Researcher-centered design for scholarly workflows
> * Adaptations to support curation lifecycle management, e.g., for research
> data
> * Real-world scalability and performance stories: working at web-scale,
> with big data for global usage
> * Requirements for holding restricted or classified data in repositories
> * Infrastructure to accommodate national and international mandates for
> data management and open access
> * Positioning repositories closer to (local, consortial, or cloud-based)
> cyberinfrastructure for data processing
> * Leveraging connections to external services including:
>             * Remote identifier services (e.g., DOI, ORCID)
>             * (Re-)using repository data/metadata in new and unexpected
> ways, including integrated discovery
>             * Scholarly social media services, such as for annotation,
> review, comment, reputation, citation, and altmetrics
>             * CRIS and research management systems
>             * Digital preservation tools, services & infrastructure
> * Community and sustainability in an open world
>             • 3 February 2014: Deadline for submissions
>             • 4 April 2014: Submitters notified of acceptance to general
> conference
>             • 17 April 2014: Submitters notified of acceptance to interest
> groups
>             • 9-13 June 2014: OR2014 conference
> *Conference Papers and Panels*
> We welcome proposals that are at least two pages and no more than four
> pages in length for presentations or panels that deal with digital
> repositories and repository services. Abstracts of accepted papers will be
> made available through the conference’s web site, and later they and
> associated materials will be made available in a repository intended for
> current and future OR content. In general, sessions are an hour and a half
> long with three papers per session; panels may take an entire session.
> Relevant papers unsuccessful in the main track will automatically be
> considered for inclusion, as appropriate, as an Interest Group presentation.
> *Interest Group Presentations*
> One to two-page proposals for presentations or panels that focus on use of
> one of the major repository platforms (DSpace, ePrints, and Fedora) are
> invited from developers, researchers, repository managers, administrators
> and practitioners describing novel experiences or developments in the
> construction and use of repositories involving issues specific to these
> technical platforms.
> *24x7 Presentation Proposals*
> We welcome one- to two-page proposals for 7 minute presentations
> comprising no more than 24 slides. Similar to Pecha Kuchas or Lightning
> Talks, these 24x7 presentations will be grouped into blocks based on
> conference themes, with each block followed by a moderated discussion /
> question and answer session involving the audience and whole block of
> presenters. This format will provide conference goers with a fast-paced
> survey of like work across many institutions, and presenters the chance to
> disseminate their work in more depth and context than a traditional poster.
> *"Repository Rants" 24x7 Block.*
> One block of 24x7's at OR14 will revolve around "repository rants": brief
> exposés that challenge the conventional wisdom or practice, and highlight
> what the repository community is  doing that is misguided, or perhaps just
> missing altogether. The top proposals will be incorporated into a track
> meant to provoke unconventional approaches to repository services.
> *Posters, Demos and Developer  "How-To's"*
> We invite developers, researchers, repository managers, administrators and
> practitioners to submit one-page proposals for posters, demonstrations,
> technical how-tos and technology briefings. Posters provide an opportunity
> to present work that isn’t appropriate for a paper; you’ll have the chance
> to do a 60-second pitch for your poster or demo during a plenary session at
> the conference. Developer "How-To's" will provide a forum for running a
> mini-tutorial or demonstration in the developer lounge, if there are enough
> interested parties.
> *Developer Challenge*
> Each year a significant proportion of the delegates at Open Repositories
> are software developers who work on repository software or related
> services, and once again OR2014 will feature a Developer Challenge. An
> announcement will be made in the future with more details on the Challenge.
> Developers are also encouraged to make submissions to the other
> tracks--including posters, demonstrations, and 24x7 presentations--to
> present on recently completed work and works-in-progress.
> *Workshops and Tutorials*
> One- to two-page proposals for Workshops and Tutorials addressing
> theoretical or practical issues around digital repositories are welcomed.
> Please address the following in your proposal:
>             • The subject of the event and what knowledge you intend to
> convey
>             • Length of session (e.g., 1-hour, 2-hour? half a day? whole
> day?)
>             • How many attendees you plan to accommodate
>             • Technology and facility requirements
>             • Any other supplies or support required
>             • A brief statement on the learning outcomes from the session
>             • Anything else you believe is pertinent to carrying out the
> session
> Submit your paper, poster, demo or workshop proposal through the
> conference system. PDF format is preferred. Please include presentation
> title, authors’ names and affiliations in the submission. The conference
> system will be open for submissions by 16 December 2013, and is linked from
> the conference web site: http://or2014.helsinki.fi/
> *Program Co-Chairs*
> Tom Cramer, Stanford University
> Mike Giarlo, Pennsylvania State University
> Simeon Warner, Cornell University
>   contact: or-program-chair at googlegroups.com
> *Local Hosts*
> Helsinki University Library
> National Library of Finland
>   contact: or-2014 at helsinki.fi
> Social Media
> #or2014

+358 44 337 5439
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