[okfn-coord] [Fwd: Registration for OpenLearn2007]

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Oct 25 08:25:04 UTC 2007

Jonathan wrote:
> Officially registration has closed and places were all booked but 
> managed to get my foot in the door for this.
> Happy to represent the OKF in my own time, but is there any way I could 
> get back some travel expenses?

No problem at all.

> Their accommodation isn't cheap, so I'll commute from Euston each day.
> I don't believe it will cost more than £15/day for 2 days - but I'll 
> confirm this closer to the time (you have to register to see prices on 
> the silverlink site!).

Typical ...

> Also - for the record, what contact have you had with the National 
> Archives? I spoke to their head academic liason, head of technology and 
> chief exec about the OKF and WH last night - and will follow up with 
> e-mails. It'd be good to know roughly who you know and what you've 
> spoken about (both qua Director and qua Research Fellow) before I make 
> further contact. As I mentioned in a text message, they seem to know 
> John Sheridan quite well.

I don't think we've had any direct contact with them. Obviously OPSI is 
now part of the NA and I've had some contact with them, notably with 
John Sheridan (both via the OKF and as a Research Fellow).


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