[okfn-coord] [Fwd: WikiDL FP7 ICT IP proposal submitted]

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Tue Apr 8 17:31:43 UTC 2008


-------- Original Message --------

Dear WikiDL participants,

we finally submitted the WikiDL proposal. You can find the submitted 
version at:

(user wikidl, pass eufp7)

I believe we have a strong consortium, good ideas, high potential 
impact, and an overall high-quality proposal. However, less than 10% of 
all submissions will be accepted, so all we can do now is to keep our 
fingers crossed and maybe do some lobbying with the National Contact 
Points or members of the EU Digital Libraries unit you might know.

Thanks to all partners who contributed to preparing the proposal.

Kind regards,



Sören Auer, AKSW/Computer Science Dept., University of Leipzig
http://www.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/~auer,  Skype: soerenauer

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