[okfn-coord] [okfn-discuss] A potential econtent funding application

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Sat Apr 18 15:41:25 UTC 2009

This looks great! It would be interesting to see how this could fit
with JISC application Rufus is working on with Peter Murray-Rust,
through Cambridge University.

We usually post funding related stuff on okfn-coord. Several people
from JISC are on the okfn-discuss list. Perhaps we should rethink this
and could start post funding stuff on okfn-help or okfn-discuss? What
do others think?


On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Jo Walsh <jo at frot.org> wrote:
> dear all,
> There is an "econtent" funding round with JISC that Jordan mentioned that
> would be good to apply for - the "Clustering and enhancing digital content"
> area from which up to a quarter of a million per project.
> This needs to be in partnership with at least one higher education institution
> through whom the application would be submitted.
> "The partners cannot be allocated more than 50% of the total funding."
> The final application date is the beginning of June.
> "improving the usability and resource discovery aspects of a resource;
> merging the metadata or technical infrastructure for related but
> isolated resources; developing cross-search functionality; exploiting
> Web2.0 methodologies such as data mash-ups to ‘cross-fertilise’ the
> content in existing resources; embedding existing resources into
> teaching and learning"
> We would have to support some standards stack, e.g. SRW/SRU and OAI-PMH
> http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/distributed-systems/jisc-ie/arch/standards/.
> "Are there clear deliverables?
> sustainable and embedded end-product?
> How will the success of the project be measured?
> assessment of risks
> previous successful delivery
> expertise of the team
> supporting letters?
> Open source, open standards, open data. Software maturity and maintainability.
> Risk analysis.
> The nature of institutional contributions should be clearly identified
> (and each needs to submit a letter of support)
> 5 days a year for meeting and reporting with funders
> "
> Then there is a lot of boilerplate, budgeting etc and I would be
> happy to put a first draft together.
> I will base it on what would happen were
> KnowledgeForge and CKAN were to be souped up and given infrastructure.
> Perhaps Jordan you will be able to circulate this to Robin Rice or
> other potential academic partners for a project, or just forward this
> mail
> http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dctb97jj_4d3bbxxgd - grant application
> instructions
> cheers,
> jo
> --
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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