[okfn-coord] Supporters signup + OKCon 2009 documentation?

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu Apr 23 21:37:37 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 10:45 PM, Jordan S Hatcher
<jordan at opencontentlawyer.com> wrote:
>> The release of the ODbL would be another opportunity to circulate such
>> a pledge to a wider audience, even just as a link. Would this be
>> tacky?
> I don't think so. I was very much hoping we could use this as an
> opportunity to reach a much wider audience. Let's try to use our
> access to the osm community as much as possible.

Brilliant! So unless there are any objections we will launch pledge
with OKCon 2009 documentation, and publicise it at State of the Map
and elsewhere in relation to ODbL...

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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