[okfn-coord] Hosting for OneClickOrgs?

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Sat Apr 25 11:22:38 UTC 2009

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Jordan S Hatcher
<jordan at opencontentlawyer.com> wrote:
> ===1. What is the nature of the proposed relationship?
> -- they want a friendly host to be only a friendly host -- so we are acting
> as an ISP or a reseller only.
> (and do we want to be an ISP service, at least for very long?)
> OR
> -- we are a "project partner" whose contribution is hosting and possibly
> doing more work.

I envisaged we could host them qua Open Software Service, as a special
case of the kinds of projects we host on KnowledgeForge. If it made
sense further down the line, it could be that we wanted to try using
the decision making tool they are working on, e.g. for working groups.

> ===2. Liability
> The liability for us is a bit different in each case (partner vs ISP). I'd
> like to be a bit clearer about our liability since:
> -- they are going to be helping people incorporate.  Just doing a bit of
> lawyerly issue-spotting, but one question I'd have is "could this service
> run into Unauthorized Practice of Law problems?"

Interesting question! They are currently looking to build a legal
advisory team in the UK -- but are in early stages. (Aside: any ideas
who they could contact?) I think in the first instance they are
looking to start out with something very basic like an unincorporated
association. There will be disclaimers. Also they may encourage people
to run the software they are developing on their own server.

> --If it's an ISP type role, I'd also like to make sure about things like
> privacy policies, defamation, that sort of thing.

Interesting.. I wonder if KnowledgeForge, qua service, could benefit
from a 'Terms of Use'?

> ===3. Payment...
> Even for blog hosting, I don't think it is unreasonable to ask for a
> suggested donation each month, especially as, even if this is a non-profit,
> it definitely has the potential to be *profit-making.  Long term, hosting
> isn't free and seems like we should either be:
> -- charging (even if at a reduced rate) for hosting
> OR
> -- seeing if we can write this off tax wise as a donation on our part (set

Perhaps I could encourage them to become individual supporters? At the
moment there are around 8 people donating a few hours per week pro
bono to developing the code base and its aimed at the third sector in
the UK in the first instance - so even if they do take money one day
(from funders, for services, or from contracts, ...), for now there is
not a penny in sight.

Perhaps we could say that if they start making money we hope they will
consider becoming institutional supporters (£50+/month)?

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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