[okfn-coord] Fwd: JISC Digitisation programme funding call: pre-announcement

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Feb 18 17:17:42 UTC 2009

Alastair Dunning of JISC Digitisation suggested the OKF should apply
for this (I think he's thinking of Open Shakespeare/Milton,
maps/timelines and so on)

I guess the two things that might be relevant are:

 * Enhancing Existing Online Digital Collections
 * Clustering of Existing Online Digital Collections


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avalon MCALLISTER [7124] <a.mcallister at jisc.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 3:10 PM
Subject: JISC Digitisation programme funding call: pre-announcement
To: JISC-ANNOUNCE at jiscmail.ac.uk

Apologies for Cross Posting

The JISC Digitisation programme is pleased to announce that a new
funding call will be issued at the beginning of March 2009.  The call
will focus on three key themes.

Institutional Skills and Strategies - including activities aimed at
embedding digitisation into institutional strategies and practices, eg
development of institutional skills, policies and capacity to perform
digitisation; creating, or building on existing, institutional
infrastructure, workflows and processes to streamline digitisation;
developing partnerships and collaborative models at regional or other
levels aimed at carrying out digitisation in a more cost effective
way, for example by reaching economies of scale, or capitalising on
institutions' own particular areas of expertise in different aspects
of digitisation activity, and through fostering knowledge exchange and
sharing of good practice.
Enhancing Existing Online Digital Collections - in order to increase
their current use, including enhancing interfaces, enriching existing
metadata, improving resource discovery mechanisms, for example by
making use of Web2.0 networks and functionalities or search engine
optimisation, promotion and marketing activities within relevant
research and teaching communities as well as embedding resources into
teaching and learning.
Clustering of Existing Online Digital Collections - in order to create
critical mass of content and increase its current use, including
bringing together collections which have been identified as being
complementary from a thematic, chronological or format point of view
or making use of existing platforms and services to deliver digital
content through a variety of entry points. This may involve merging
the metadata or technical infrastructure for related resources;
developing cross-search functionality; exploiting Web2.0 methodologies
such as data mash-ups to 'cross-fertilise' the content in existing

A total funding of just over £2M will be available and projects will
be expected to start in September 2009 and be completed by March 2011.
 Higher education institutions funded by HEFCE and HEFCW and FE
institutions in England that teach HE to more than 400 FTEs are also
eligible to bid provided proposals demonstrate work that supports the
HE in FE agenda.

only will be able to apply as lead institutions. However, partnerships
are welcomed.
More information on the funding call will be available through this
digitisation blog
as well as the JISC web site.

Avalon McAllister
JISC Executive
Tel: 0117 9317124
Mobile: 07841 951 294
Fax: 0117 9317255
Email: a.mcallister at jisc.ac.uk

Please visit our web site at http://www.jisc.ac.uk/

Anything in this message which does not clearly relate to the official
work of the sender's organisation shall be understood as neither given
nor endorsed by that organisation.


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