[okfn-coord] Meeting in/around Cambridge in May

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri May 1 16:33:06 UTC 2009

2009/5/1 Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com>:
> I've started an agenda here:
> http://okfn.org/board/wiki/BoardMeetings/2009-05-16
> Please can people add to it?
> I've included my address and a map (open, of course!). Shall we start
> at 11.30? I'm happy to put on lunch for everyone.

I'd suggested earlier in the thread  that we might turn some part of
this into a more general OKF meetup/hackday with a specific before or
after session for any exec group
only business. (Did people see this?)

But I think this might be a bit of an imposition (!) and it is
probably better to keep this quite focused. That said are there I
wondered if there are any specific people we'd like to invite extra
e.g. from Advisory Board. (Becky: I was guessing that James might like
to participate in some parts to get a flavour of what being on the
board might be like.)

> Nearest station is Whittlesford Parkway, but if Rufus is offering
> lifts, I'd suggest going to Cambridge and taking advantage of the
> offer, as it's a much faster train.

I can fit 3-4 people extra.


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