[okfn-coord] Open Data Commons in pledge

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Fri May 22 11:27:40 UTC 2009

Just looked at and signed the pledge
(http://www.pledgebank.com/support-okfn). Notice Open Data Commons is
only mentioned in last par and without URL.

I wonder if we could change the second paragraph to:

"Even more importantly we've developed tools like Comprehensive
Knowledge Archive Network (http://www.ckan.net) and KnowledgeForge
(http://knowledgeforge.net/), standards like the Open Knowledge
Definition (http://opendefinition.org/), legal tools like those at
Open Data Commons (http://www.opendatacommons.org/), and run workshops
and events, all for the benefit of the wider open knowledge

Then it would appear more prominently, and include a URL. What do people think?

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

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