[foundation-board] OKF proposal for FP7 project and ongoing legal help role

Jo Walsh metazool at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 17:56:04 UTC 2010

On 24/08/2010 09:10, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> On 23 August 2010 22:42, Jordan S Hatcher<jordan at opencontentlawyer.com>  wrote:
>> I just wanted to ping this back to the board

An afterthought: given agreement moving from an "active board" model to 
a "board oversight" model, can we identify and then resolve the reasons 
that this sort of information is here rather on the coord list?

1) Blockage: clarifying something that hasn't been publicly documented 
yet. -> Resolution: publish the redacted minutes of last meeting

2) Blockage: LOD2 has not started yet and there is some 
not-clearly-described reluctance to talk about it until it is "launched" ->
Resolution: seek clarification from Soeren about what can be said and 
where it can be said. LOD2 related meetings are not being documented as 
a result...

Anything else, e.g. personal employment situation? Otherwise Soeren is 
on holiday, if you have a scheduled chat with him soon Jordan could i 
briefly join?



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