[okfn-coord] Questions for EU project registration

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Mar 3 17:52:19 UTC 2010

Good news is that we now have a temporary PIC code. Bad news is that
we have to provide quite a bit of physical paperwork to have this
validated so that we can received EU project funding. Apparently its
*imperative* that we process the paperwork and get PIC code ASAP to
ensure that we are eligible for our share of the FP7 project funding.
So ideally we should aim to get this all sent off by *Friday*.

Details on what we need to do are at:


In particular we need:

  * For 'Public Entities': a copy of the resolution, law, decree,
decision or any other official document establishing your organisation
and if applicable, a copy of a document proving VAT registration (in
case the VAT number does not show on the registration extract or its
equivalent (of course the extract must not be older than 6 months).
  * the annual Balance sheet (1), the Profit and Loss accounts (2) and
their annexes indicating the number of declared employees and possible
ownership (3) for the last period (2007),
  * the completed and signed check-list  (4) – Download file ' SMEs
check list' [DOC]
  * Furthermore, in order to confirm that Research forms part of your
core business as well as you are a Non-Profit Entity, we will be very
grateful if you could provide us with any legal document which
mentions the research non-profit character of your organisation
according to its legal status.

Also regarding turnover and employees, at the moment - after
discussion I put '1' for employees, despite the fact that technically
we have no employees, only contractors. After discussing with Soeren,
he thought we should count more of our contractors as employees. So
shall I change this number? We might and might not include various
people who have engaged in paid work for OKF, including: Jonathan
Gray, David Read, John Bywater, Sara Wingate Gray, Lisa Evans, Jordan
Hatcher, Becky Hogge, Ben Harden, etc. Soeren also suggested we keep
this proportional to turnover. What do people think?

Finally for everyone's reference I've started a page on the wiki for
board's reference. This includes projected budget (€362,304)
breakdown, and original proposal document with a list of page numbers
and notes.


All the best,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From:  <fp7-urf-noreply at ec.europa.eu>
Date: Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 5:16 PM
Subject: Your registration request in URF
To: jonathan.gray at okfn.org

Dear Mr. Jonathan GRAY,

The Research Directorates-General of the European Commission thank you
for having registered your legal entity in our database of
The record has been successfully created. The TEMPORARY Participant
Identification Code (PIC) for the legal entity you have registered is

If you intend to use your PIC for proposal submission, please note
that there is a delay of 48 hours before the associated data is
visible to EPSS.
This time constraint effectively prevents you from submitting a
proposal to a call closing within the next two days using the
above-mentioned PIC.

If your organisation is retained for negotiation or if your
organisation is currently negotiating a grant agreement, then your
organisation needs to be validated.
You should then provide us as soon as possible with supporting documents.
Please find downloadable forms and instructions on
Please note that the validation could result in a possible change of
the PIC (if e.g. the validation reveals that the same legal entity
exists already under another PIC).

You are also kindly invited to launch the process for appointing the
Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) within your organisation.
The LEAR will be the responsible for the maintenance of your legal and
financial data of your organisation.
Please find downloadable forms and instructions for the appointment of
the LEAR on http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/pp-lear_en.html.

The Central Validation Team

Below is the summary of your entered data:
Organisation Data
Legal name : Open Knowledge Foundation
Business Name : OKF
Official Language : English
Name in 2nd Language :
2nd Language :
Legal form : Ltd
VAT Number : 984404989
Registration Number : 5133759
Registration Date : 20-05-2004
Registration authority : Companies House
NACE Code : Computer & related activities
Registration Country : United Kingdom

Legal Address
Street name : Panton Street
Street number : 37
PO box :
Region/County : Cambridgeshire
Postal Code : CB2 1HL
City : Cambridge
Country : United Kingdom
Internet Homepage : http://www.okfn.org
Fax :
Phone1 : +441223423690
Phone2 :
Email1 : info at okfn.org

Main Contact Person
Contact Title : Mr
Contact Gender : M
Contact Position in organisation : Community Coordinator
Contact Department :
Contact Last Name : GRAY
Contact First Name : Jonathan
Contact Country : United Kingdom
Contact Street : Little Breach
Contact Street Number : 51
Contact PO box :
Contact Region/County : West Sussex
Contact Postal Code : PO19 5TY
Contact CEDEX :
Contact City : Chichester
Contact Internet Homepage :
Contact Fax :
Contact Primary Phone : +441243774681
Contact Secondary Phone :
Contact Email : jonathan.gray at okfn.org

Status of the Organisation
Indirect Cost Method : Special Transitional Flat Rate
Is Natural Person? N
Is Legal Person? Y
Is a Non profit? Y
Is a Research organisation? N
Is Public body? N
Is International Organisation? N
Is International Organisation of European Interest? N
Is a Higher or secondary education establishment? N
Is an Enterprise? N
Self declared SME Status? N
SME Year? 2008
Financial year date? 01-06-2008
Number of employees? 1
Is number of employees below 250? Y
Annual turnover? 10000
Is annual turnover below 50M? Y
Annual balance sheet? 10000
Is annual balance sheet below 43M? Y
Is autonomous? N
Your comments:

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> On 2 March 2010 20:53, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Currently filling in a form required for us to officially register in
>> EU IT systems so we can be a recipient of EU funding (basically to get
>> PIC code). In relation to FP7 funding which it now looks like will be
>> funded.
>> In particular we need to know:
>>  * NACE code: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/index.cfm?TargetUrl=DSP_PUB_WELC
>> (any ideas on how we are classified/self-describe? Currently going to
>> put 'Computer and Related Activity')
> For VAT we are registered as "Computer Consultancy Activity" (though I
> also ticked Education type items when doing the submission)
>>  * Number of employees? Presume officially 0 as everyone is a contactor?
>>  * Annual turnover (euro) - for, e.g. 2008-9
> 10k. For 2009-2010 it will be around 10x that ...
>>  * Annual balance sheet  (euro)
> This comes straight out of the gdocs accounts which you can find
> linked online from: http://okfn.org/board/wiki/CompanyAccounts
> Regards,
> Rufus
> _______________________________________________
> okfn-coord mailing list
> okfn-coord at lists.okfn.org
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-coord

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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