[foundation-board] Meeting with Ben Laurie

Becky Hogge becky.hogge at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 11:52:25 UTC 2010

Hi all

After the last Board meeting finished, I mentioned to those of you who
had made it in person that I had been approached by Ben Laurie, one of
the founders of the Apache Software Foundation, with the offer of any
help we might find useful. Since ASF is one of the organisations we
mention a lot when we talk about the development of OKF, I asked him
if he'd act as a sounding board for some of our aspirations and
concerns regarding OKF's development as an open, decentralised

James and I will meet Ben for dinner this Friday, and talking about
OKF is on the agenda. I wanted to get a feel from the Board of the
sorts of things it would be useful for the two of us to raise. Any

Another thought - I don't expect this to be the end of Ben's offer of
help, and I wonder if it would be useful to invite him to the informal
Board drinks that were mooted a while back to take advantage of Jo's
presence down south, on 7th December at the Frontline Club.

A final thought - when I mentioned Ben's offer, Rufus was keen we
consider him as a potential Board member. What do other people think?

Warm wishes to all


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