[foundation-board] Meeting with Ben Laurie

Jo Walsh metazool at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 13:58:54 UTC 2010

On 10/11/2010 11:52, Becky Hogge wrote:
> After the last Board meeting finished, I mentioned to those of you who
> had made it in person that I had been approached by Ben Laurie, one of
> the founders of the Apache Software Foundation, with the offer of any
> help we might find useful. Since ASF is one of the organisations we
> mention a lot when we talk about the development of OKF, I asked him
> if he'd act as a sounding board for some of our aspirations and
> concerns regarding OKF's development as an open, decentralised
> organisation.

Sounds great. I don't know Ben well but have a lot of time for him;
had dinner with his family once, we played with ultra-magnetic magnets.

> Any suggestions?

Can think about this more and post suggestions to governance list.

> the informal Board drinks that were mooted a while back to take
> advantage of Jo's presence down south, on 7th December at the Frontline Club.

I'm definitely up for this, even if it's just you and i, Becky.

> A final thought - when I mentioned Ben's offer, Rufus was keen we
> consider him as a potential Board member. What do other people think?

If he has the time to commit, would be amazing. I'd have imagined him 
more in advisory-board role but then that's not so active...

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