[foundation-board] Benchmarking the OKF's activities

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Wed Feb 9 11:36:01 UTC 2011

I was wondering whether it would be useful for the board to start more
systematically measuring things like:

  * total person hours/days per month, and rough division amongst
different projects (Jason has made a start on mapping some of this
  * level of activity in community - e.g. mailing list posts, new WG
members, code commits, event turnout, etc.
  * anecdotal evidence on our current capacity, resources, where we
don't have enough time, etc.
  * we already track money pretty well, I understand, in Xero

Perhaps Jason or I could be tasked with starting an informal
internal-information gathering unit, and reporting this to board and
coord group? I think some of this (i.e. a tiny bit, not going crazy)
would be very useful for decision making and strategy in the medium
and long term. Also I'd like to start getting a better (and *slightly*
more formal) sense how we're doing. ;-)

(My childhood self would shudder at the subject line of this email!)

Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation


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