[foundation-board] Omidyar prep esp FAO Becky!

Jason Kitcat jason.kitcat at okfn.org
Wed May 18 16:02:43 UTC 2011

Dear all

In Google Docs there is now a folder:

OKF Funding & Project > OKF Omidyar preparation

Where the docs we need to get ready for our presentation with Omidyar are now living. You should all have access to this either under your own Google Account or the okfn.board login.

* I need all your help to remind/update me of donors (not contracts/clients) we have won for 2011. Please update this spreadsheet if you can: https://spreadsheets2.google.com/ccc?hl=en_GB&key=tEEno8dhuNOMv6Sj6DA4xRw&hl=en_GB#gid=0
* Current cash position awaits Xero upload by Rufus

Many thanks,

Jason Kitcat
Foundation Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

+44 (0) 7956 886 508


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