[foundation-board] Big review of OKF finances, contracts, HR, etc?

Jason Kitcat jason.kitcat at okfn.org
Thu May 26 07:29:30 UTC 2011

On 24 May 2011, at 17:46, Becky Hogge wrote:

> On 24 May 2011 11:18, Jo Walsh <metazool at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Predictably enough, I think as much as possible should be in an open
>> "community report" with board-only sensitive appendix...
> I think that, so long as we don't include sensitive information like
> the granular data on how much individuals working for the organisation
> are being paid, it shouldn't be a problem to share this with the
> community, so long as Jason doesn't feel like this will hold him back
> in any way.

I don't foresee the openness being a problem as project-level reporting won't reveal any sensitive individual pay information.

> And (predictably enough from me) I also think that we desperately need
> this document in order to fulfil our oversight function as a Board. I
> note that we resolved in our meeting of 8 March that Jason should
> prepare a management report including many of the elements Jonathan's
> pointing to (see minutes at
> http://board.okfn.org/BoardMeetings/2011-03-08). I'm a bit worried by
> Jonathan's proposal as it seems to suggest that this work has yet to
> be started...Jason?

There has been a lot of work on this including an OKF-wide budget planner and so on. But OKF is a very fast-moving target, we have dramatically increased our headcount since the last board meeting and the funding situation is also rapidly changing (in a good way)

My reading of those minutes was that I would have a report ready for the next board meeting (OKCon) and that's what I'm working to. I shall aim to have it ready so you have time to read it before the meeting itself - I won't pull it out of a hat right in the meeting :-)

All the best,
Jason Kitcat
Foundation Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

+44 (0) 7956 886 508


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