[foundation-board] Engagement of a new (additional) Foundation Coordinator

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Nov 3 20:36:30 UTC 2011

On 3 November 2011 10:26, Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2 November 2011 22:26, Jason Kitcat <jason.kitcat at okfn.org> wrote:
>> The main point is that the role of Foundation Coordinator has grown significantly since I first interviewed for it last year. OKF has grown massively, the field has grown and the job has developed. The scope for coordination and keeping on top of the multitude of OKF projects and people means that it really needs to be a full time gig as much as is possible [1].
> Having met Laura during the recruitment process last year, I'm pleased
> to hear that she's available to work with OKF. But I'm concerned that
> her not being able to commit full time might be at odds with the
> description of the role as Jason has set it out here.

At the moment she has committed to 4d a week from January (and could
do fulltime once she has the makespace she is setting up in Cambridge
sorted out).

> To be clear, I'm definitely +1 on bringing her on board as a joint
> Foundation Coordinator with Jason, and I'm confident that they each
> have the project management and communication skills necessary to
> job-share this role for a time. But if Jason is eventually going to
> phase out his involvement with OKF, and Laura's availability to work
> closer to full time from January is not yet certain, do we need a
> contingency plan (perhaps in the form of informally training
> up/looping in another member of the crew)?

I'd like to but obvious person (Jonathan) is about to go on sabbatical
for 6 months :-)

I am also looking around for other 'exec' level people and think we
could do with more but have limited capacity for full on recruit as we
are still running major recruitment for community coordinators and
devs :-)


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