[foundation-board] July update

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Thu Aug 9 18:42:03 UTC 2012

Please find attached the activity report and foundation corodinator's
report for July, along with other relevant documents including
management accounts, a financial model, and the narrative report
provided to Omidyar for the period to May 31st.

Best regards,



Dr Laura James
Foundation Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation

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Name: OKFN activity report July 2012.pdf
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Name: Omidyarannualreport2011-2012.pdf
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Name: Open Knowledge Foundation Ltd - Balance Sheet.pdf
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Name: Open Knowledge Foundation Ltd - Profit  Loss Last 12 months.pdf
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Name: Open Knowledge Foundation Ltd - Profit  Loss Monthly.pdf
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Name: post-2012SummitManagement survey.xls
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Name: OKF Financial model v5.xlsx
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