[foundation-board] DM2E grant approval
Laura James
laura.james at okfn.org
Sun Feb 19 20:46:36 UTC 2012
I should perhaps add to this that I would recommend accepting the
grant; the project is around open cultural heritage content and
bibliographic metadata, both areas of interest and experience for the
OKFN. It will fund a range of outreach activities with partners
across the EU (some of which we have existing relationships with) to
meet the project requirements and will also pay for project overheads
easily, so the project will properly pay its way. We have staff in
place to deliver the majority of the work and the work will be nicely
aligned with other activities around metadata and cultural heritage,
meaning we can maximise the benefits we get from the project.
Dr Laura James
Foundation Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation
On 16 February 2012 15:35, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:
> After many delays at the EC side, we finally have confirmation of the
> Digital Manuscripts to Europeana project, on which we will be a
> partner. The relevant documents are attached. Our work on the project
> is primarily outreach and community building.
> The contract is now ready for signature on Form A for the OKFN.
> Signing such a contract is beyond my current signing authority.
> Would the board be willing to grant me the authority to sign this contract?
> (if not, any volunteers to print&sign&courier it over to Stefan?)
> many thanks,
> Laura
> --
> Dr Laura James
> Foundation Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Stefan Gradmann <stefan.gradmann at ibi.hu-berlin.de>
> Date: 2012/2/16
> Subject: Final Grant Agreement project DM2E - ref 297274 and A-forms
> To: "Dr .Jutta Weber" <jutta.weber at sbb.spk-berlin.de>, Max Kaiser
> <max.kaiser at onb.ac.at>, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org>,
> Stefanos Kollias <stefanos at cs.ntua.gr>, Vassilis Tzouvaras
> <tzouvaras at image.ntua.gr>, Michele Barbera <barbera at netseven.it>,
> Christian Morbidoni <christian.morbidoni at gmail.com>, Dirk Wintergrün
> <dwinter at mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>, Chris Bizer
> <christian.bizer at fu-berlin.de>, Timm-Martin Siewert
> <Timm-Martin.Siewert at exlibrisgroup.com>, Axel Kaschte
> <axel.kaschte at exlibrisgroup.com>, "Lena Stanley-Clamp (EAJC)"
> <lstanley-clamp at jpr.org.uk>, post at fa.uib.no, Nikolov-Ramirez Gaviria
> Jeanna <jeanna.nikolov at onb.ac.at>, Dov Winer <dov.winer at gmail.com>,
> rennoffice <rennoffice at mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de>, Holger Busse
> <holger.busse at sbb.spk-berlin.de>, Alois Pichler
> <Alois.Pichler at fof.uib.no>, Everardus Overgaauw
> <Everardus.Overgaauw at sbb.spk-berlin.de>, Gerhard Müller
> <Gerhard.Mueller at sbb.spk-berlin.de>, Sam Leon <sam.leon at okfn.org>,
> Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org>, Rune Kyrkjebø
> <Rune.Kyrkjebo at ub.uib.no>
> Cc: Renate Ubachs <renate.ubachs at humboldt-innovation.de>, steffen
> hennicke <steffen.hennicke at ibi.hu-berlin.de>, Evelyn Dröge
> <evelyn.droege at ibi.hu-berlin.de>, Tiina Ison <Tiina.ison at gmail.com>,
> Konstantin Baierer <konstantin at baierer.de>
> Dear DM2E partners,
> good news: I am now forwarding the message below from the EC asking us
> to sign the grant agreement - and that will be done immediately. But
> there's work for you, as well: this message has two attachments, the
> final version of the DoW and the A-forms you will need to sign to
> access to the contract.
> Each of you should thus sign three copies of your accession form (Form A).
> In the event that the accession form of one of the beneficiaries is
> not signed by the person(s) named in the grant agreement, this
> beneficiary should confirm in an accompanying letter that he/she is
> empowered to sign the grant agreement.
> Each of you should return three original signed copies of your Form A
> to me by express courier. These Form A''s will then be countersigned
> by our authorised legal representative and I will keep one of the
> original signed accession forms for my own files, return the second
> original to you and send the third original signed accession form to
> the Commission services to our Project Officer (see above).
> The signed Forms A should be sent to the Commission at the latest 45
> days after entry into force of the grant agreement.
> In the event that any of the other beneficiaries do not accede to the
> grant agreement within 45 days after entry into force of the grant
> agreement, the Commission may terminate the grant agreement.
> Lastly, please note that the starting date of the project is mentioned
> in Article 3(2) of the grant agreement.
> I thus count on all of you to quickly return the accession forms and
> am really glad we thus will have a signed contract with the Commission
> before our Kick-Off meeting :)
> Best -- Stefan Gradmann
> Dear Coordinator,
> You will find attached to this email PDF documents containing the
> above-referenced grant agreement and its annexes.
> This includes the pre-completed accession forms (Form A) for all
> beneficiaries listed in Article 1(2) of the grant agreement. Kindly
> forward a copy of the grant agreement (in electronic or paper form as
> appropriate), the respective Form A and a copy of this e-mail to each
> of the beneficiaries.
> We kindly ask you to sign and date two copies of the grant agreement.
> Please indicate above the signature of the authorised legal
> representative of your organisation his or her name and position and
> if applicable add the stamp of your organisation. If the authorised
> legal representative named in the preamble of the grant agreement is
> not the person signing the grant agreement, please confirm in the
> accompanying letter the legal authorisation of the person having
> signed.
> Please confirm in writing in the accompanying letter that no
> modification has been made to the text of the grant agreement. Any
> modification that has not been discussed and agreed with our services
> cannot and will not be taken into consideration.
> We request that you return both copies of the signed grant agreement
> within 10 working days by express courier to the Commission services
> to the following address:
> THOMAS Claudine
> European Commission
> DG INFSO - E06
> Office: EUFO 01/284
> Please note that, in accordance with Article 9(1) of the grant
> agreement, the above address is to be used for any communication or
> request concerning the grant agreement.
> For information or documents to be transferred by electronic means,
> the following addresses shall be used:
> INFSO-ICT-PSP-297274 at ec.europa.eu
> In your accompanying letter, please inform us of your communication
> address and of the addresses of the beneficiaries communicated to you,
> in accordance with Article 9(1) and II.2(1) of the grant agreement.
> As soon as the Commission receives the dated and signed original
> copies of the grant agreement, both copies will be signed and dated by
> the Director General (or his authorised representative) on behalf of
> the Commission. One original grant agreement will be returned to you
> as Coordinator of the consortium as legal proof that the grant
> agreement has been signed by the Commission and has therefore entered
> into force. We will ask you to distribute a copy of this signed grant
> agreement to all the beneficiaries.
> The other beneficiaries should sign three copies of their accession
> form (Form A).
> In the event that the accession form of one of the beneficiaries is
> not signed by the person(s) named in the grant agreement, this
> beneficiary should confirm in an accompanying letter that he/she is
> empowered to sign the grant agreement.
> Each of the beneficiaries should return three original signed copies
> of their Form A to you by express courier. These Form A''s should be
> countersigned by the authorised legal representative of your
> organisation and you should keep one of the original signed accession
> forms for your own files, return the second original to the
> beneficiary and send the third original signed accession form to the
> Commission services to your Project Officer (see above).
> The signed Forms A should be sent to the Commission at the latest 45
> days after entry into force of the grant agreement.
> In the event that any of the other beneficiaries do not accede to the
> grant agreement within 45 days after entry into force of the grant
> agreement, the Commission may terminate the grant agreement.
> Lastly, please note that the starting date of the project is mentioned
> in Article 3(2) of the grant agreement.
> If you have any questions with regard to the content of this e-mail,
> please do not hesitate to contact your Project Officer.
> Yours sincerely,
> European Commission
> Directorate General Information Society and Media
> Head of Unit DG INFSO - E07
> Admin and Finance
> <
> ____________________________________
> Prof. Dr. Stefan Gradmann
> Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Informationswissenschaft und
> Informationspraxis (DGI)
> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
> Berlin School of Library and Information Science
> Sitz: Dorothenstrasse 26 / Post: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
> Tel.: +49 30 2093-4481
> Sekr.: +49 30 2093-4466
> Fax : +49 30 2093-4335
> GSM : +49 170 8352623
> e-mail: stefan.gradmann at ibi.hu-berlin.de
> ____________________________________
> Je est un autre.
> (Arthur Rimbaud, Lettres du Voyant)
> ____________________________________
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