[foundation-board] New board members: Jane Silber (confirmed) and Gavin Starks (potential)

Martin Keegan martin at no.ucant.org
Tue Jul 24 16:07:59 UTC 2012

On Tue, 24 Jul 2012, Rufus Pollock wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> Are you clearer on the process now?

Laura has mentioned the procedure whereby the Board may appoint interim
directors; you're talking about the substantial overlap between the
membership of the company and the membership of the Board, but validly
called meetings of the company require at least the statutory minimum of
14 days notice to all the members, including those who are not also
members of the Board, if any.

I therefore move that:

the Board resolve to appoint Jane Silber as a director pursuant to s31 of
the Articles. 


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