[foundation-board] OKFN-DE funding proposal take two

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Wed Jun 20 12:11:36 UTC 2012

Following this email, I ask the board to consider a specific proposal:

* That the request of OKFN-DE for €18,000 for “Jugend hackt” is
immediately approved
* that the request of OKFN-DE for €6,000 for Frag Den Staat platform
expansion is immediately approved
* That this funding is conditional on OKFN-DE key personnel arranging
and attend a monthly call with OKFN management  (Laura / Rufus) to
discuss further funding, organisational issues and so on. First call
asap and before mid July.

If a board member could table this as a resolution that would be
great. I am aware that to approve such a resolution electronically
requires all board members to vote in favour and that this means I may
need to chase individuals!

Many thanks,



Dr Laura James
Foundation Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation


On 13 June 2012 14:37, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:
> All,
> The OKFN-DE team have provided a revised proposal for funds.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tGLcDNAL4eZ_FnOXEayqK6K0c48X_IV2VD-H4GLuSYM/edit They request funds greater than the seed funding limit agreed yesterday.  In informal discussions Friedrich tells me that the individual projects in the proposal could be funded separately, though. Nonetheless, they are keen to secure some sort of support as before, and have asked for a quick response one way or the other.  If the board have any questions, OKFN-DE would be happy to have a conference call to answer them.
> *personal viewpoint* Having talked through a previous version of this proposal with the OKFN DE team, where I gave quite a lot of constructive feedback, this proposal leaves me a little disappointed overall, as it has not notably improved in rigour or clarity, or consideration of sustainability and risk (eg what happens if the funding or projects are not successful). My recommendation would be that the board agree to immediately fund one or two specific projects (eg open government kick start E18k possibly plus Frag Den Staat platform expansion, E6k), and that we then attempt to work more closely with OKFN-DE to prepare a more solid looking proposal for other elements of funds, or to support other fundraising. I suggest those two projects because they are lower risk and well aligned with OKFN-DE strengths, whilst also being nice ones in terms of building capacity and interest locally which should help with further fundraising. A quick offer of some funds should motivate the group and get things moving, and reduce the risk that the group falls apart.
> I'm aware the proposal is complex and that we could end up with a long discussion via email. As such, I propose that the board mail me directly with suggested resolutions/actions on this funding proposal in the next day or two, which I can then compile into a set of options for voting.
> Laura
> (Further information from Friedrich:
> LJ : What is "overhead of revenue" in the table of funding amounts? If it is just a 20% cut of each project, what is that used for?
> FL: It's part of Daniels somewhat weird calculation which you can see on
> page 20: externally funded projects get 20% deducted, which are then
> used for core functions. The rest of the core functions funding is
> then requested from chapter funds. I wanted to just put 20% on the
> proposals and make core overhead-only, but that didn't go through.
> It's also based on the assumption that all project will get funded,
> which may not hold true.  )
> --
> Dr Laura James
> Foundation Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org

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