[foundation-board] Doodle poll for OKFN August board meeting

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jun 22 15:56:21 UTC 2012

On 22 June 2012 16:49, Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I've filled the whole poll blank as I'm simply not able to give a
> whole day to OKF business at this time. I would, however, be able to
> attend a two hour evening meeting on some of those dates, if not
> enough Board members are able to make a whole day meeting work in
> August.

I'm sorry to hear that. The reason for suggesting a whole day (or
close to a whole day) session was that it sounds like we won't be able
to have a Board meeting at OKFestival -- a meeting at that event plus
the board meeting would provide an opportunity for lengthier and more
substantial discussion. In previous years we have tried the whole-day
meeting quite successfully. Nevertheless I understand the constraints
on board members time and wonder whether people would be able to make
a half-day if they cannot make a full day.

> Rufus, could you give us an idea of what substantial matters are on the agenda?

In terms of this meeting I think the major things we would be looking
at (that warrant the additional time) would be:

* Strategy - what are we doing, what should be doing, what structures
do we need in place
* Chapters and Local Groups
* Review of the last year


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