[foundation-board] Agenda for board meeting, 20th March

Martin Keegan martin at no.ucant.org
Tue Mar 13 16:39:36 UTC 2012


thank you for preparing the proposed agenda and the considerable number of
reports attached.

The "March 2012 OKFN Board Report" (filename: 
OKFNboardnarrativeMar2012.pdf) is particularly clear on the challenges we
face. The sections on "Staffing", "Business Risks" and "Strategy" should
all be separately discussed at the meeting on Tuesday. 

May I propose that we amend the proposed agenda to exclude points 5, 6(b),
6(d), 6(e)/9(a) and the rest of point 9, and discuss/resolve these via
email before the meeting, such that we might have more time to discuss the
various parts of the Report?


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