[foundation-board] Agenda and board pack for OKFN board meeting on May 15th

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Tue May 15 14:50:17 UTC 2012

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 10:23 PM, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:
> All,
> Please find attached this month's board pack (zipped folder), including
> Foundation Coordinator reports for the months of March (with correction to
> the overview page!) and April, as well as supporting documents. Apologies
> for the partial nature of April's activity report - between team holidays
> and reporting not yet being a habit, I was unable to gather a good report on
> several of our projects in time for this pack.
> I propose the following agenda. I will confirm venue within Cambridge asap.
> We will start at 6:30pm.
> 1. Introductions and apologies
> 2. Approval of minutes from previous meeting (attached - both minutes for
> approval for publication, and informal board notes)
> 3. Review of actions from last meeting (attached as separate sheet)
> 4. Review of management accounts (see board pack, including narrative in
> April's Foundation Coordinator report)
> 5. Discussion of Chapter Strategy (discussion document in board pack)
> 6. Review of Chapter applications to date (follow up from email thread)
> 7. Discussion of Strategy development plan (discussion document in board
> pack)
> 8. AOB
> 9. Close.
> Please let me know if you have any questions or last minute agenda items.

It seems everyone has their own way to do balance sheets - I don't
understand this one! In particular, the final section "equity" seems
to suggest we should have £623k in money somewhere - but where? And
what's the money described as an asset?

> Best regards,
> Laura
> --
> Dr Laura James
> Foundation Coordinator, Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org
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