[foundation-board] OKFN Board meeting 14 Jan 2015: Call for agenda items

Fiona Thompson fiona.thompson at okfn.org
Sat Dec 27 23:15:12 UTC 2014

Dear All

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful festive season. I'd be grateful if you
could save 14 Jan 2015 (6.30-8.30pm) for an OKFN Board meeting. I will
advise the venue closer to the time.

If you have any requests for agenda items (or amendments to those listed
below), please do send them through to me. I will circulate the agenda and
the venue a week ahead of the meeting.

Current agenda likely to include:

1) ED recruitment status

2) Audit update

3) Business strategy, organisational development and culture update

4) other items requested by board

5) AOB

Regards and thanks

Fiona Thompson
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