[foundation-board] Open Knowledge Board Meeting 11th March 2015

paula le dieu paula at ledieu.org
Wed Mar 11 17:32:49 UTC 2015

I will also be joining virtually.


On 11 March 2015 at 16:59, Tom Cobbold <tomcobbold at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> And I've decided to go virtual, please send hangout.
> Tom Cobbold FCCA
> 07968 324935
> On 11 Mar 2015, at 16:01, "Helen Turvey (King)" <
> helen.turvey at shuttleworthfoundation.org> wrote:
> Huge apologies for the late notice - but I am not going to make it this
> evening.  I look forward to the notes and will see some of you next
> Thursday, HT
> On 8 March 2015 at 21:02, Fiona Thompson <fiona.thompson at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Dear All
>> Please find enclosed the final version of the audited accounts which will
>> be discussed at the board meeting. Edward Finch of Buzzacott will be
>> available to answer questions. An audit briefing note and EU penalty
>> briefing note have also been enclosed and will be discussed at the meeting.
>> Regards and thanks
>> Fiona
>>>>  2014-05 Briefing Note Audit YE2014.docx
>> <https://docs.google.com/a/okfn.org/file/d/0ByxROelEYNk5YzFTel9CQW8xN0E/edit?usp=drive_web>
>> ​​​
>> On 5 March 2015 at 19:06, Fiona Thompson <fiona.thompson at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> I hope this finds you well. Please find enclosed the papers (currently
>>> minus the audited accounts) for the Open Knowledge's board meeting on 11th
>>> March 2015. With thanks to Jane, who has made her offices available as a
>>> venue, we are meeting at Canonical offices. At the last board meeting there
>>> was a suggestion that we meet for drinks following the meeting. Please do
>>> join us if you are able!
>>> For those attending the meeting virtually, we will send a google hangout
>>> link just before the meeting.
>>> For your convenience, an extract from the agenda document is pasted
>>> below. I apologise for the number of documents. When the board have had a
>>> chance to express a preference on how you would like to see monthly
>>> management accounts presented I will reduce the number of documents to the
>>> specific ones you'd like to see.
>>> A hard copy of the audited accounts will be brought to the meeting for
>>> signing if approved at the meeting. I will circulate the electronic version
>>> of the accounts, along with associated briefing notes and Q&A between Tom
>>> Cobbold and Michelle Heydon as soon as final updates to logo etc (logo was
>>> not rendering properly) are completed. Target date for this circulation is
>>> tomorrow, Friday 6th March.
>>> Regards and thanks
>>> Fiona
>>> A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation board will be held at 6.30pm
>>> to 8.30pm at Blue Fin Building, 110 Southwark Street, London SE1 0SU on
>>> Wednesday 11th March 2015.
>>> Attending for selected agenda items:
>>> Edward Finch, Partner at Buzzacott, (Audit) 6.30pm until Audit update
>>> ends
>>> Penny Handscomb, Omidyar Network, (Organisational Development), 7pm
>>> until Organisational Development discussion ends
>>> Agenda
>>>    1.
>>>    6.30pm: Audit update [Fiona] Edward Finch, Partner at Buzzacott is
>>>    also attending
>>>    2.
>>>    Review of Minutes of Last Meeting [Chair]
>>>    3.
>>>    Review of Actions [Chair]
>>>    4.
>>>    7pm: Organisational Development update [Rufus, Fiona] Penny
>>>    Handscomb is also attending
>>>    5.
>>>    ED recruitment status [Karin]
>>>    6.
>>>    Consideration of new board member, Tim Hubbard [Karin]
>>>    7.
>>>    Management Accounts [Fiona]
>>>    8.
>>>    AOB
>>>    9.
>>>    Meeting close
>>> Attached
>>>    1. ​​Tim Hubbard’s CV and brief biography
>>>    2. Agenda
>>>    3.
>>>    To be circulated (not yet attached): Audited accounts; questions
>>>    from Tom Cobbold with  responses from Michelle Heydon; audit briefing note
>>>    4. Management accounts (5 documents), accounts briefing note
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> --
> Helen Turvey (King)
> Shuttleworth Foundation
> website: www.shuttleworthfoundation.org
> twitter: @helenturvey
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