[foundation-board] CEO update for June 2016

Helen Turvey (King) helen.turvey at shuttleworthfoundation.org
Wed Jul 6 08:21:50 UTC 2016

That is fabulous!  Thanks so much Pavel,


On 4 July 2016 at 19:35, Pavel Richter <pavel.richter at okfn.org> wrote:

> Hi Helen,
> On 29 June 2016 at 14:01, Helen Turvey (King) <
> helen.turvey at shuttleworthfoundation.org> wrote:
>> Thanks so much for this update Pavel - I really enjoyed reading this and
>> it helps to feel connected.
>> One addition I would love to see is what you are thinking about/what is
>> concerning you this month.
> Very good question! My main concern is how to handle the situation with
> Sander. His departure / absence will have a significant implication for the
> coming months. We will need to organize our work very differently, and I
> will need to jump more into the projects than I intended to do.  So this
> will be a challenge.
> I am thinking most about the Omidyar proposal. I will update you all
> during next week's board meeting, but this is something where I (and
> several other people) are putting a lot of work and thought into.
> My happiest moment so far was last week's summit in Berlin, where all
> staff members came to Berlin to join in three and a half day of work, fun,
> and laughter. The atmosphere was very relaxed, we had some great work done,
> and I think we are on a very good way.
> Hope that gives you an impression?
> Pavel
>> HT
>> On 21 June 2016 at 09:57, Pavel Richter <pavel.richter at okfn.org> wrote:
>>> Dear all, please find below and attached an update on important
>>> developments here at Open Knowledge International. You can find the text as
>>> a Google Document here
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xjzQt44SKsbJEnTHRv6eiTg3-SeMpCl6Q_HyKo33wv4/edit>
>>> and the PDF attached includes the Finance documents referenced.
>>> Highlights from our Projects
>>>    -
>>>    Our first Portfolio Manager - Stephen Abbott Pugh - has joined us,
>>>    who will be focussing on our innovative Planting the Seeds portfolio;
>>>    -
>>>    School of Data had a very successful Summer Camp in Brazil where 35
>>>    people from 22 countries took part. We now have 12 organisations in the
>>>    School of Data Network and discussed possible structures for setting up a
>>>    new entity to govern the network. No decision on structure has been made,
>>>    but a co-operative structure was one of the options that we will explore
>>>    further;
>>>    -
>>>    In OpenSpending, we are finalising the contract for the next phase
>>>    with GIFT, where we will trial OpenSpending tooling with four national
>>>    governments. We also secured additional funding to cover the technical
>>>    development of the platform as part of the OpenBudgets.eu project;
>>>    -
>>>    As part of the OD4D programme we have a very strong presence and
>>>    visibility around the IODC conference which is scheduled for October in
>>>    Madrid. OKI is organising the unconference during that week and we are
>>>    contributing to the structure of the main event, working together with the
>>>    conference organisers on the programme and helping choose 'action anchors'
>>>    - people who will lead sections of the conference.
>>> Viderum
>>>    -
>>>    The team is finishing the project with Montrose, making extractives
>>>    data in developing countries visible and accessible;
>>>    -
>>>    We are continuing to work with Sweden on their national data portal;
>>>    -
>>>    While we have about £230K  in the pipeline with potential clients,
>>>    we're experiencing unusually slow decision-making processes. To mitigate
>>>    the risk of delayed work, measures are being undertaken to reduce
>>>    our committed costs;
>>>    -
>>>    A new budget will be prepared in time for the next OKI Board
>>>    meeting. Viderum’s financial situation remains very tight;
>>>    -
>>>    Regarding transitions, we are finally moving the last (and biggest)
>>>    customer to the new infrastructure next week (week beginning 20th June),
>>>    with significant cost savings to be realized starting in July.
>>> Operations
>>>    -
>>>    2015-16 Year End Accounts are close to finalisation;
>>>    -
>>>    The auditors (Buzzacott) are preparing the Year End Audit;
>>>    -
>>>    New policies are being rolled-out including a whistle-blower policy;
>>>    -
>>>    The new Financial Year has commenced (June to December 2016) and we
>>>    are aligning the Finance Team to be ready for, and undertake, reporting
>>>    according to the requirements of the Charity Commission;
>>>    -
>>>    Charitable status is pending feedback from Charity Commission, with
>>>    confirmation expected in October;
>>>    -
>>>    A new appraisals system has been introduced and rolled-out across
>>>    the organisation;
>>>    -
>>>    The ongoing review of finance processes and procedures continues
>>>    through 2016;
>>>    -
>>>    Grant management processes are being defined and more closely
>>>    aligned with other finance processes.
>>> Finance
>>>    -
>>>    Please see attached the accurate Month End figures;
>>>    -
>>>    The year end allocations will change. This is because we are looking
>>>    at moving costs booked against unrestricted grants over to our operating
>>>    expenses, thus reducing the income from unrestricted grants (basically
>>>    freeing up unrestricted grant monies). This in turn will reduce income,
>>>    operating profit and therefore our Corporation Tax liabilities. This will
>>>    hopefully end up in a win/win situation; however, it does gives us a bit
>>>    more work yet to be done;
>>>    -
>>>    We are also making a full review on all active projects to ensure
>>>    all accounts are correct, and checking all prepayments and accruals for
>>>    figures either side of the Year End. Due to a number of constraints the
>>>    auditors will start work as of the 1st July 16;
>>>    -
>>>    Please see attached the Balance Sheet for May 2016.
>>> FundingOmidyar Network
>>> We have submitted the proposal for renewal funding and Omidyar have come
>>> back to us for clarification. We are responding to their questions and
>>> expect a smooth decision-making process with confirmation from the Panel in
>>> mid July.
>>> Hewlett Foundation
>>> Again, we have submitted the proposal for renewal funding and Hewlett
>>> have come back to us with a few points for clarification. We are responding
>>> to their questions and expect a smooth decision-making process with
>>> confirmation from the Panel in mid July.
>>> Ford Foundation
>>> We have identified Ford as a potential source of support for Open Data
>>> for Tax Justice and will follow this up next month.
>>> GIFT
>>> We submitted a proposal for a $100K  in early May. This has been
>>> verbally confirmed, and we are awaiting finalization next week (week
>>> beginning 20th June).
>>> Other proposals we are waiting to hear from include HENCE and NextGEOSS.
>>> StaffCurrent live vacancies
>>> The following may be found at okfn.org/about/jobs/:
>>>    -
>>>    None
>>> New staff
>>>    -
>>>    Franka Vaughan started today (15th June) as the Acting Executive
>>>    Assistant, covering Naomi’s role during her maternity leave. Naomi’s leave
>>>    starts on the 18th July and Franka is already undertaking the handover;
>>>    -
>>>    Stephen Abbott Pugh signed today (15th June) as Portfolio Manager
>>>    for Planting the Seeds and is expected to start on the 21st June;
>>>    -
>>>    Oscar Montiel joined as International Community Coordinator on the
>>>    7th June, working with Mor to strengthen our network and social media
>>>    presence;
>>>    -
>>>    Ben Meghreblian joined as OpenTrials Community Manager on the 29th
>>>    April;
>>>    -
>>>    Sam Moore joined the Pasteur4OA project team on the 4th April.
>>> Departures
>>> None in the last two months.
>>> Changes
>>>    -
>>>    Paul Walsh is joining the Leadership Team fortnightly meetings to
>>>    ensure the technical elements of projects are being included in planning,
>>>    and to offer input around the future of this crucial area of the
>>>    organisation. His status on the Leadership Team - either permanently
>>>    invited or a formal member - is being discussed by the current membership
>>>    for agreement by the Summit;
>>>    -
>>>    Lieke Ploeger is moving from OpenGLAM Community Manager and Project
>>>    Manager to being Social Media and Communications for projects more
>>>    generally. She has started to undertake these duties although the change
>>>    has not been communicated to the wider team as yet.
>>> Network
>>> Monthly calls with Chapter leads continue to go well. Oscar’s input is
>>> helpful in encouraging and facilitating communication between OKI and Local
>>> Groups, with Mor ensuring that the current status of the Network will be
>>> reflected on our website as part of the general update.
>>> AOB
>>> The next in person meeting is on 13th July 2016 in London at Canonical.
>>> Summer Summit is taking place in the last week of June in Berlin.
>>> I will send the next CEO Update in the middle of August. Please do give
>>> feedback on these reports, so that I can provide you with the information
>>> that you require.
>>> --
>>> Kind regards
>>> Pavel Richter
>>> CEO
>>> Open Knowledge International
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>> --
>> Helen Turvey (King)
>> CEO
>> Shuttleworth Foundation
>> website: www.shuttleworthfoundation.org
>> twitter: @helenturvey
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> --
> Kind regards
> Pavel Richter
> Open Knowledge International
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Helen Turvey (King)

Shuttleworth Foundation

website: www.shuttleworthfoundation.org
twitter: @helenturvey
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